Hotspots. Communist North Korea invaded free South Korea United Nations sent troops— mostly US Communist China started fighting War ended with a stalemate.


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Presentation transcript:


Communist North Korea invaded free South Korea United Nations sent troops— mostly US Communist China started fighting War ended with a stalemate (a tie) But communism was contained REVIEW: KOREAN WAR

Fidel Castro led a communist revolution in Cuba Many Cubans fled Cuba and moved to Florida The CIA trained these exiles to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs Big FAIL REVIEW: CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS

1962—Soviets put missiles in Cuba President Kennedy demanded that they be removed For six days—war on brink of nuclear war Soviet leader Khrushchev “Blinked” and removed the missiles REVIEW: CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS


Communist North Vietnam tried to put a communist government in South Vietnam 1950S-EARLY 1960S

Why? PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY SENDS TROOPS, Truman Doctrine— Contain Communism

The United States would “pay any price, bear any burden, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” JFK’S INAUGURAL SPEECH

Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson became the new President He sent even more troops. Did it go well? (Hint: Look at the picture.) IN 1963, JFK ASSASSINATED.

US tried to fight a limited war—not too many soldiers, no nuclear weapons Guerrilla warfare— Remember the Revolutionary War American troops defeated North Vietnamese troops in the field, but they could not force the end of the war WHY DIDN’T THE US WIN WITH MORE TROOPS?


Ran for president on promise to “bring the war to an honorable end” Vietnamization—give the war to the South Vietnamese troops Failed—1975, South Vietnam falls to Communists NEXT PRESIDENT: RICHARD NIXON

Not treated like heroes when returning home Not until several years after the war were they recognized for their service and sacrifice VIETNAM VETERANS