Ihr Logo. Your Logo INTRODUCTION: Strong families make a strong church and happy family makes a happy church. Every strong family must be nurtured with.


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Presentation transcript:

Ihr Logo

Your Logo INTRODUCTION: Strong families make a strong church and happy family makes a happy church. Every strong family must be nurtured with the sufficient knowledge of the word of God. It is true that sound people build a strong nation. Therefore love is the bedrock (foundation) of strong families. Christian families could be made strong by the following qualities. Christian Training: the gospel of Christ is the foundation of family training (1 Cor 15:1-4). Christian families grow because they study the Christian responsibilities in building strong families

Your Logo words of God together, and also allow the gospel be their guiding principles in life. The scripture says in 2 Peter 3:18 – “Grow in grace and in knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ”. Remember what Heb 10:25 says – “not forsaken the assembling of ourselves together, as is the habit (manner) of some but encouraging one another, and so much the more you see the day approaching” (KJV) Family prayers: strong families take family prayers as a very important assignment. A prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian. Christian responsibilities in building strong families

Your Logo In James 5:16, we are advised to pray for one another, and we should pray without ceasing (Acts 12:5, 1 Thess. 5:17). We should be instant in prayers (Rom 12:12). In Philippians 4:6, it read “be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known into God.” (KJV) Good Speech(es): let us speak the truth in Love (Eph 4:15). Strong families develop healthy communication pattern. Christian responsibilities in building strong families

Your Logo In Prov. 5:1-2, we read “that a soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge aright but the mouth of the foolish pours out foolishness”. Therefore, let us guard our utterances, and be free from evil tendencies. Support One Another: the support could be financial or moral. Husband, wife and children should be ready to help and encourage each other. In 1Tim. 5:8; we read. “But if anyone does not provide for those of his own household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than unbeliever.” (KJV) Christian responsibilities in building strong families

Your Logo Expression of Appreciation: Strong families are identified with good expressions of appreciation among the family members. Spouses often say nice things to each other. Each member of a family should learn to give each other a sincere compliment, and teach the children to follow the examples. Spending Time Together: Parents should spend enough time together with their children if they want to teach them the way of the Lord (Deut 6:4- 9). Christian responsibilities in building strong families

Your Logo Be committed to each other: Strong families have commitments in such areas as respect, trust, acceptance, selflessness, honesty and affirmation. Parents and children have close feelings, promote each other welfare, and do not neglect each other in time of sickness or needs. Dealing with Crisis: Christian families are able to survive, and deal positively with problems such as marital unhappiness, adult and juvenile delinquencies, health problems, lack of sufficient fund, and general discipline. Christian responsibilities in building strong families

Your Logo They are united to face problems, and manage even in the worst situations, and pray often for God’s guidance, and protection. The families nurtured with the words of God, learn To forgive one another – Eph 4:32 To be at peace with one another – Mark 9:50 To exhort and admonish one other – Heb. 3:13 To show kindness and tolerant to one another. Eph 4:22 To love one another – John 15:12,17 Christian responsibilities in building strong families

Your Logo Conclusion: Prayers dedication, determination, and discipline of the family members, could help in building sustainable strong families. God bless you all in Jesus name… Amen Christian responsibilities in building strong families