Agenda Welcome Healthy workplaces Workwise Walsall Works Update Funding Opportunities AOB / Questions Date of Next Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda Welcome Healthy workplaces Workwise Walsall Works Update Funding Opportunities AOB / Questions Date of Next Meeting

Healthy Workplaces Joe Holding Public Health, Walsall Council


Walsall Works Financial incentive to employers for Apprenticeships Pre-apprenticeship Programme Jobs brokerage Additional projects

Walsall Works Financial Incentive Criteria Young person 16 – 24 year old at start of apprenticeship From Walsall Employer Walsall premises Small to medium enterprise (Under 250 employees) Supported sector

Walsall Works Financial Incentive Criteria Employment conditions Apprenticeship Minimum 52 weeks Minimum 35 hours per week Meet wage conditions (NMW at age group)

Walsall Works Financial Incentive Sector Criteria Walsall Works continues to focus on unlocking jobs within enterprises from the growth sectors: Niche and high value manufacturing and engineering Environmental technologies and construction Financial, professional and business services Creative and digital services Health and social care Logistics Other sectors may be considered on a case by case basis

Walsall Works Financial Incentive criteria - notes Focus on Walsall SME’s but will consider large companies if they traditionally don’t take apprentices Employer committed to sustainable employment Employee to apprentice staff ratio of approx 2:1

Walsall Works financial incentive Pay rates Age groupOld ratesNew Rates from 01/10/15 16 to 17 year olds£3.79 per hour£3.87 per hour 18 to 20 year olds£5.13 per hour£5.30 per hour 21 to 24 year olds£6.50 per hour£6.70 per hour

Walsall Works Financial Incentive Amounts £3,000 for employers taking on a young person aged 16 or 17 at a rate of £3.87 per hour £4,500 for employers taking on a young person aged 18 to 20 at a rate of £5.30 per hour £6,000 for employers taking on a young person aged 21 to 24 at a rate of £6.70 per hour

Walsall Works Pre-Apprenticeships These offer each young people the support to get ready to start a full apprenticeship through a week course which will enable them to gain : Literacy, Numeracy & ICT Skills Employability Skills Customer Care 4 week work placement Intensive Job Search Guaranteed job interview Accreditation to a Level 1 qualifications

Walsall Works Pre-apprenticeship Programme Working with W.A.C.C on a hybrid Traineeship programme for 16 – 24 year olds Sectors include Health and Social care, Sports, Construction, Digital engineering.

Walsall Works Jobs Brokerage Working with all age groups Using contacts with developers, contractors and partner organisations Advertising roles and supporting people into those roles

Walsall Works other programmes Transitional Care Leavers Building Better Futures – View fund Partnerships with Black Country partners including: City Deal – Working Together Talent Match

Walsall Works in Numbers 33 Training providers accessing incentive for employers 273 Employers receiving incentive

Walsall Works Outcomes for residents 514 Apprenticeships supported by incentive 435 Pre-apprenticeships 898 other positive outcomes including: 23 non-WW pre-apprenticeships; 416 jobs; 193 non-WW apprenticeships

Future Opportunities The European Structural and Investment Funds Programme provides funds to help local areas grow. Black Country LEP submitted Implementation Plan The Funds will run from to 2014 to types of funds involved in the programme European Social Fund (ESF) European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

ESF - Youth Employment Initiative Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) programmes in a number of Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas that demonstrated high levels of need amongst its young people, this included the Black Country. This programme is designed to tackle youth employment from ages 16 to 29. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is responsible for the ‘Call for Proposals’ and the allocation. The timeframe for spending these EU resources includes the 2018 period The total funding available for the YEI programme in the Black Country is £51m, EU funding of £17m, YEI funding of £17m Partner Match of £17m

ESF - Youth Employment Initiative The funding has to be targeted at getting year-olds NEETs and unemployed into positive outcomes such as mainstream education and training, employment, Apprenticeships and Traineeships. In the Black Country, the Local Authorities of: Dudley, Sandwell, and Wolverhampton, plus Talent Match have designed a programme that fits all of the EU criteria. Dudley Council is the Accountable Body for the Black Country proposal. Notification of the success of the submission should be received by November 2015

ESF - Building Better Opportunities £23.7m allocated to the Black Country Building Better Opportunities tenders announced in June 2015 Big Lottery identified as the opt-in partner Family Poverty – including troubled families (£3.4m) Targeted Community Approach (£5m) Financial and digital inclusion (£3.9m) Employment support for the over 24’s (£10.7m) Stage 1 applications submitted on 3 rd August 2015 Successful applicants to be notified in Nov-Dec 2015 Project Start date is September 2016

Question & Answer Session

Future Sessions January 2016

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