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SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
§7.2 估计量的评价标准 上一节我们看到,对于总体 X 的同一个 未知参数,由于采用的估计方法不同,可 能会产生多个不同的估计量.这就提出一 个问题,当总体的一个参数存在不同的估 计量时,究竟采用哪一个好呢?或者说怎 样评价一个估计量的统计性能呢?下面给 出几个常用的评价准则. 一.无偏性.
QQ/ 微信: 真实教育部认证永久存档, 100% 可查,可随我司工作人员一同前往教育部窗 口递交材料 + 全套文凭【诚招当地代理,有业余时 间的欢迎大家免费咨询,欢迎在校生 】 如果您,或者是您的同学朋友是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题: 1 、在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业,拿不到官方毕业证;
Presentation transcript:

surfac e by Susan

title by Willard Gaylin textfocusversion word list exercise key

Para1 It was, I believe, the distinguished Nebraska financier Father Edward J.Flanagan who professed to having “never met a bad boy.” Having, myself, met a remarkable number of bad boys,it might seem that either our experiences were drastically different or we were using the word “bad”differently. I suspect neither is true, but rather that the Father was appraising the “inner man,” while I, in fact, do not acknowledge the existence of inner people. 译文

Since we psychoanalysts have unwittingly contributed to this confusion, let one,at least, attempt a small rectifying effort. Psychoanalytic data--which should be viewed as supplementary information -- is, unfortunately, often viewed as alternative (and superior) explanation. This has led to the prevalent tendency to think of the “inner” man as the real man and the outer man as an illusion or pretender. Para2 译文

Para3 While psychoanalysis supplies us with an incredibly useful tool for explaining the motives and purposes human behavior, most of this has little bearing on the moral nature of that behavior. 译文

Para4 (1) Like roentgenology, psychoanalysis is a fascinating but relatively new, means of illuminating the person. But few of us are prepared to substitute an X-ray of Grandfather’s head for the portrait that hangs In the parlor. The inside of the man represents another view, not a truer one. 译文

Para4 (2) A man may not always be what he appears to be, but what he appears to be is always a significant part of what he is. A man is the sum total of all his behavior. To probe for unconscious determinations of behavior and then define him in their terms exclusively, ignoring his overt behavior altogether, is a greater distortion than ignoring the unconscious completely. 译文

d1 1. profess : vt. (1) claim (sth),often falsely. I don’t profess to be an expert in this subject She professed total ignorance of the matter He professed that he knew nothing about the matter (2) state openly that one has (a belief,feeling, etc ) They professed optimism about the outcome He professed himself satisfied with the progress made

d2 2. appraise :vt. assess the value or quality of One good method is to appraise a student’s work It would be unwise to buy the house before having it appraise n: appraisal (C,U)

d3 3. inner : adj. (1) Inside ; (attrib) This is an inner room (2) (of feelings) unexpressed If she had inner doubts, it was not apparent to anyone else (3) expressions : the inner man /woman : (a) a person’s mind or soul (b) one’s appetite (joc) Now it’s better to satisfy the inner man /woman inner city : oldest parts of a city,at or near its centre

d4 4.unwittingly : adv. in an unwitting way If I offended you it was unwittingly. adj : unwitting (attrib) (1) not knowing /aware He was an unwitting carrier of stolen good. (2) not intentional I’m sorry for my unwitting interruption of your private conversation.

d5 5. Contribute (to) : v. (1) increase sth, add to sth Her explanation was contributed enormously to our understanding of this article. (2) help to cause sth Morning exercises do contribute to our good heath. (3) write(articles,etc)for a publication She has contributed (several essays) to literary magazines. Esprit de corps really contributes to the formation of a good class.

d6 6. Rectify : vt. ( -fied ) (1) put (sth) right ; correct ; This is a mistake that cannot be rectified (2) (esp, passive) (chemistry) purify or refine,esp,by repeated distillation adj : rectifiable : that can be rectified n: rectification : rectifying or being rectified

d7 7. alternative : adj. (attrib) (1) available in place of sth else; other The alternative for translation is Gone With the Wind (2) (idm) : The alternative society : people who prefer not to live according to the conventional standards of social behavior. n : alternative

d8 8. prevalent : adj. (among /in) existing or happening generally ; widespread. The prevalent opinion is in favor of reform. n : prevalence (U) being prevalent They were very surprised by the prevalence of anti - war sentiments.

d9 9. bearing on (sth) : n– phrase. relevance to ; relation to. What he said had not much bearing on the problem. bearing : n (1) (sing) behavior ; Her dignified bearing is always attractive. way of standing,walking etc. (2) (pl) aspects We must consider the question in all bearings.

d illuminating : vt. (1) Provide · · ·with light. The football pitch was illuminated with floodlight. The setting sun illuminated the river (2) make ··· clear ; help to explain. It’s necessary for a teacher to illuminate a difficult passage in a book. adj : illuminating : Her explanation is an illuminating analysis. particularly revealing or helpful.

d substitute : put or use ··· as a substitute (for ···) We must substitute a new chair for the broken one. (2) vi. ( — for) act or serve as a substitute. Can you substitute for me at the meeting ? (1) vt. ( — · · · for)

d Exclusively : adv. adj : exclusive (1) reserved for or limited to ···. The interview is exclusive to this magazine. (2) excluding all but the thing specified. Teaching has not been her exclusive occupation. (3) not admitting something new /else. The two plans are mutually exclusive be exclusive of ··· : not including ; not counting; The price of the holiday is exclusive of accommodation.

tr1 记得内布拉斯加著名的金融家 爱德华 J 弗拉纳根神父曾声称 “ 从未 遇到过坏孩子 ” ,但我自己却遇到过 不少坏孩子。这或许是因为我们俩的 经历大不相同,或许是因为我们所用 的 “ 坏 ” 这个词的含义不同。但我怀疑 两者都。真正的原由在于,神父是在 赞扬 “ 内在的人 ” ,而我却不承认内在 之人的存在。

tr2 由于我们精神分析家无意之 中造成了这一混乱现象,那么至少 得有人做出一点微薄的努力予以澄 清。不幸的是,精神分析资料 —— 本该当作补充信息才是 —— 往往被 看作可供选择(而且是更可取的) 解释。这样就导致了目前这种普遍 倾向,即把 “ 内在的人 ” 看作真实的 人,而把外在的人视为一种错觉或 假面具。

tr3 虽然精神分析为我们解释人的行 为动机和目的提供了一种非常有用的 工具,但其中大部分与人类行为的道 德无关。

Tr4 ( 1 ) ( 1 ) 与 X 射线学一样,精神 分析是一种颇有吸取力然而却是相对 新的透视人内心世界的手段。但我们 很少有人会拿一张祖父头部的 X 光片 取代挂在客厅的肖像画。人的内心往 往会呈现出另一幅景象,但未必是一 幅更真实的景象。

Tr4 ( 2 ) ( 2 )一个人也许不会永远就 是他所显现的样子,然而他所显现的 样子永远是真正的他的一个重要组成 部。一个人是他全部行为的总和。只 探索决定一个人行为的无意识因素, 然后仅仅根据这些因素给他下结论而 完全忽视其他外在行为,这比完全忽 视他的无意识更有悖于事实。

Word list (1) Profess (2) appraise (3) inner (4) unwittingly (5) contribute (6) rectify (7) alternative (8) prevalent (9) Bearing on (10) illuminating (11) substitute (12) exclusively

exercise1 1. I don’t profess … an expert in this subject 2. good method is to … a student’s work 3. Now it’s … to satisfy the inner man /woman 4. I’m sorry for my … interruption of your private conversation. 5 Morning exercises do … our good heath. 6. The price of the holiday is exclusive … accommodation. A. onB. aboutC.ofD. in A. goodB. wellC.moveD.contribute to A. intentionB. unwittingC. inD.purpose A. have being B. to beC.had A. appraise B. going to appraise C. have appraise A. goodB. wellC. badD. better

exercise2 7. This is a mistake that cannot be …. 8. The … for translation is Gone With the Wind. 10. The setting sun … the river 11. We must substitute a new chair … the broken one. A. rectifyB. put rightC. put inD. rectifying A. alternative B.versionC. changeD. alter 9. What he said had not … bearing …the problem. A. many … onB.much …onC. much … inD.many …in A.brighten C. lightB. illuminatesD. give light A. asB. toC. forD.with

key 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B 11. C

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