Instructions for Claiming Student Accounts and Using OneDrive Eric Angat Teacher Thanks to Ms. Johnson for providing the steps.
Turn on the computer and log in
1) Go the WSFCS homepage. (
2) Choose "STUDENTS" from the menu bar
4) Click "CLAIM MY ACCOUNT" from the bottom of the page
5) From the drop down bar, choose "CLAIM LEA STUDENT CLAIM POLICY"
6) The User ID is your STUDENT NUMBER
7)Type your grade (numerical). 9 th grade, type th grade, type th grade, type th grade, type 12. 9
8)Type your birthday if your birthday is March 9, 1998, you would type the following:
9) The LEA CODE is
10) Type the CAPTCHA word or character. The characters may be different from the one show below
11)Click next.
Type in your password using the format. Birthday, capital letter of your the letter of your name and small letter of the first letter of your last name.
Example: if your birthday is March 9, 1998, you would type the following: My name is Eric Angat, so my password is: Ea Or you can create your own password following the guidelines.
12) Answer the pre-determined questions. Suggestions for this step: If you know the answer of the question, simply type in that answer. Be sure to remember whether or not you use upper or lower case. If you do not know the answer of the question, simply type "IDK". Again, remember whether or not you use upper or lower case. When you have answered the questions, before moving to the next step, click on the eyeball beside each questions, which will show you your answer. Write your answers in your agenda so that you will have them in case you forget something.
13) Once your account is claimed, close the browser and re-open a browser and go to Google Chrome and log in to your account.