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How to enroll in your electronic homework program

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Presentation on theme: "How to enroll in your electronic homework program"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to enroll in your electronic homework program
Welcome to WebAssign! How to enroll in your electronic homework program

2 How to Self-Enroll in WebAssign
Go to Click I Have a Class Key. The institution is “friendswood.tx”

3 Enter and Submit the Class Key
Your Class Key is: friendswood.tx (+ 2 sets of numbers) Enter the class key in Class Key. Click Submit.

4 Verify Class Information
If the correct course and section is not listed, check with your instructor.

5 Adding Yourself to the Class
If you have used WebAssign before, follow the instructions on Use Your Existing Account. DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER ACCOUNT!!!! If you are new to WebAssign, follow the instructions on Create A New Account, Enter New Account Information, and Remember Your Login!

6 Use Your Existing Account
Click I already have a WebAssign account, and then log in.

7 Create a New Account Click I need to create a WebAssign account, and then click Continue.

8 Enter New Account Information
Enter the required information. Click Create My Account. Write your password down, but if you forget it you can change it on the login page if you know username and address. Or contact WebAssign Support. Be sure that you include your full name, an active and your school ID number.

9 Remember Your Login! After clicking Create My Account, a confirmation page is displayed. Remember your username and password. Click Log in now. Print this page out or save a screen shot to your computer.

10 I Forgot My Password! DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER ACCOUNT!!
Click Reset Password on the Login page. You will need your username, institution code, and the address for your account. The institution code is “friendswood.tx”

11 How Do I Reset My Password?
Log in, then click My Options in the upper right corner. Enter an address if none is listed. In Change Password, enter your new password, and then re-enter your new password for confirmation. Enter your current password in the lower left corner. Click Save.

12 How Do I Pay for WebAssign?
You do not pay for WebAssign. Your license was purchased by the school through a grant from the Friendswood Educational Foundation. If you know anyone that is a member of the Educational Foundation, tell them thanks!

13 Student Guide Links to the WebAssign Student Guide are available on
your Login page and after logging in. The Student Guide explains how to: Access and open assignments. Answer various types of questions. View scores and grades. Find additional resources. Use the Student Guide to learn how to complete the eHW assignments and submit them.

14 Need Help? Live Chat: On the WebAssign Support page
Phone support: (800) , and then press 1 support: See the WebAssign Support page at for Live Chat and support hours.

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