© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 1 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning PowerPoint Presentation to Accompany.


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Presentation transcript:

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 1 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning PowerPoint Presentation to Accompany

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 2 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Chapter 16 The Bones and Soft Tissue

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 3 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to: –Explain the difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton –Define the functions of the skeletal system –Define the six types of fractures –Explain the difference between skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle 3

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 4 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Objectives (cont’d.) Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to (cont’d.): –Explain the physiology of a muscle strain –Describe the function of a nerve cell –Explain nerve injuries and their treatment –List the different types of soft tissue injuries and their treatment –Explain how the body responds to injuries 4

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 5 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning The Skeletal System (cont’d.) Functions: –Aids in body movement –Supports and protects internal body organs –Produces red and white blood cells –Provides a storehouse for minerals 5

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 6 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Bones Consist of osteocytes (mature bone cells) Made of: –35% organic material –65% inorganic mineral salts, and water 6

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 7 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Bones (cont’d.) Formation: –Initially consists of collagenous protein fibers secreted by osteoblasts –During embryonic development, cartilage is deposited between fibers –During the eighth week of embryonic development, ossification begins Mineral matter starts to replace previously formed cartilage, creating bone 7

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 8 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Injury to Bones Fractures –Simple or closed –Compound or open –Comminuted –Stress –Epiphyseal plate 8

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 9 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Injury to Bones (cont’d.) Fracture signs and symptoms –Swelling, deformity, pain, tenderness, and discoloration Treatment –Bones must sometimes be put back in proper position (i.e., reduction) –Immobilization through use of a cast –Surgery 9

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 10 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Muscles Principal types of muscles: –Skeletal Under voluntary control –Smooth Involuntary –Cardiac Only found in the heart Involuntary 10

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 11 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Characteristics of Muscles Four common characteristics: –Contractibility –Excitability –Extensibility –Elasticity 11

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 12 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Muscle Attachments and Functions More than 650 muscles in the body –Muscles only pull, never push Muscles attached to bones by tendons –Bones are connected at joints Muscles are attached at both ends to bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, skin, or other muscles 12

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 13 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Muscle Attachments and Functions (cont’d.) Origin: part of a skeletal muscle that is attached to a fixed structure or bone Insertion: attached to a movable part Belly: central body of the muscle Prime mover: movement in a single direction –Antagonist: movement in the opposite direction 13

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 14 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Sources of Energy and Heat When muscles work, they move the body and produce heat For muscles to contract and work, they need energy –Major source of energy is adenosine triphosphate Cell requires oxygen, glucose, and other materials –When a muscle is stimulated, ATP is broken down, producing energy 14

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 15 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Muscle movement occurs as a result of: –Myoneural stimulation –Contraction of muscle proteins Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by nerve impulses to contract –Begins with action potential, which travels along muscle fiber length –Basic source of energy is glucose 15

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 16 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Muscle Fatigue Caused by accumulation of lactic acid in muscles During vigorous exercise, blood is unable to transport enough oxygen for complete oxidation of glucose in the muscles –Causes muscles to contract anaerobically (without oxygen) 16

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 17 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Muscle Tone Muscles should always be slightly contracted and ready to pull (muscle tone) Muscle atrophy: –Wasting or loss of muscle tissue resulting from disease or lack of use Hypertrophy: –Increase in the mass (size) of a muscle 17

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 18 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Injuries to Muscles Strain: –Caused by twisting or pulling a muscle or tendon –Acute or chronic Symptoms: pain, muscle spasm, and muscle weakness Treatment: reduce swelling, anti-inflammatory drugs, surgery, rehabilitation 18

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 19 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Injuries to Muscles (cont’d.) Sprain: –Caused by sudden twist, or a blow to the body Symptoms: pain, swelling, bruising, and loss of ability to move Treatment is similar to care for a strain Tendonitis: –Inflammation of the tendon Symptoms: pain and inflammation along a tendon Treatment: avoid aggravating movements, medications, rehabilitation 19

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 20 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Injuries to Muscles (cont’d.) Bursitis –Inflammation of a bursa Symptoms: joint pain often mistaken for arthritis Treatment: avoid aggravating movements, medications, rehabilitation 20

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 21 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Injuries to Muscles (cont’d.) Contusion: –Direct blow that does not break the skin Symptoms: swelling, pain to the touch, redness, and ecchymosis Treatment: monitoring, ice, medications, compressive dressing 21

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 22 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Nerves Nerve tissue consists of: –Neuroglia Insulate, support, and protect neurons –Neurons Sensory Motor Associative 22

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 23 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Nerves (cont’d.) Nerves carry impulses by creating electric charges through membrane excitability –A synapse is the space between adjacent neurons through the impulse is transmitted 23

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 24 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Animation – Firing of Neurotransmitter Click Here to Play Firing of Neurotransmitters Animation

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 25 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Injury to Nerves Nerves are fragile and can be damaged by pressure, stretching, or cutting –Injury to a nerve can stop signals to and from the brain Causes muscles to become unresponsive and a loss of feeling in the injured area 25

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 26 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Soft-Tissue Injuries Classified as: –Open Abrasions, lacerations, avulsions, and puncture wounds –Closed Contusions, hematomas, ecchymoses, sprains, strains, tendonitis, bursitis, and stress-related injuries 26

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 27 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning The Body’s Response to Injury Inflammation: –Reaction to invasion by an infectious agent or physical, chemical, or traumatic damage Regeneration: –Act of wound healing Cellular dedifferentiation: –Regeneration –Cells revert to an earlier stage of development 27

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 28 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning The Body’s Response to Injury (cont’d.) Transdifferentiation –Regeneration of cells with completely different functions than original Tissue remodeling –Cells and molecules of tissue are modified and reassembled to yield a new composition of cell types and extracellular matrix 28

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 29 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Animation – Tissue Healing Click Here to Play Tissue Repair Animation

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning 30 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Conclusion The skeleton –Provides support and protection to internal organs –Foundation for muscle attachment –Efficient factory for producing red blood cells Many injuries associated with athletics are fractures –Other injuries involve muscles, attachments, and various surrounding tissues 30