THE COLONIZATION OF GEORGIA. JAMES OGLETHORPE Born in 1696 Wealthy; member of parliament Main trustee (21) -only one who ever came to Georgia Was known.


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Presentation transcript:


JAMES OGLETHORPE Born in 1696 Wealthy; member of parliament Main trustee (21) -only one who ever came to Georgia Was known as the leader of the new Georgia colony Friend was Robert Castell— died in prison (made Oglethorpe want prison reform) Became friends with Yamacraw Chief Tomochichi

TOMOCHICHI Yamacraw chief (died in 1739, given English funeral, gravesite in Savannah is still marked. ) Welcomed Oglethorpe to Georgia Developed a close friendship with Oglethorpe Oglethorpe took Tomochichi and his wife back to England where they were treated as royalty.

MARY MUSGROVE Daughter of Creek woman and white father Lived among both Creek and white society during her life- she spoke both English and the Creek native language. Was married to John Musgrove Became friends with Oglethorpe and helped him gain the trust of the Creek. Interpreters for Oglethorpe; traders helped to keep peace between the English and Native Americans

CHARTER OF 1732 Gave trustees the right to colonize Georgia Trustees could not own land, hold political office or be given money for their work. Trustees could not pass laws unless King approved. Even with the limitations, the trustees were excited about developing the new colony of Georgia. Boundaries: between Savannah River and Altamaha River; west to the Pacific Ocean Charter excluded: blacks, lawyers, liquor dealers and Catholics Signed by King George II

CITY OF SAVANNAH 1 st city of Georgia selected because it was high above ground freshwater springs sheltered from the western and southern winds by pines original design based on one by Robert Castell -surveyors: William Bull and Noble Jones pattern of grids (squares). Was to have 4 large squares. In the center of squares people could meet or public or religious gatherings. 21 of the 24 original squares remain By the end of the first year Savannah had 50 houses.

HIGHLAND SCOTTS Oglethorpe recruited 175 of them to settle the area south of Savannah (Darien) They were to protect Savannah from Spanish Florida, defend colony and reestablish Fort King George. The Highland Scots had a reputation of being good soldiers They were hard workers -raised cattle and harvested timber (soil is not good for farming)

SALZBURGERS German speaking protestants who had been expelled from Catholic principality of Salzburg ( now present day Austria) Received support from King George II and the Georgia Trustees. 40 Sulzberger's came to the Georgia colony. Settled in the town of Ebenezer Did not have good soil, was swampy, polluted waters and nearly 1/3 of people had died who had come over Asked Oglethorpe for new land Moved colony to New Ebenezer On the high bluffs above the Savannah River Were able to prosper in the new land Established first Sunday school and orphanage in Georgia in 1737

MALCONTENTS Settlers who wanted to change the laws of the trustees -wealthy enough to pay their own way (didn’t owe the trustees or Britain) -they wanted to purchase more land and have slaves They also wanted to be able to have rum