Theoretical and Conceptual Framework. THEORY Theory is: a generalized abstraction about the relationship between two or more concepts a systematic abstract.


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Presentation transcript:

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

THEORY Theory is: a generalized abstraction about the relationship between two or more concepts a systematic abstract explanation of the relationship between the concepts Its composed of concepts and propositions

Conceptual models Conceptual framework, conceptual model, conceptual schemes Are all used interchangeably Less formal attempt at organizing phenomenon than theory

Theoretical vs. Conceptual both use concepts as building blocks, and used to generate hypothesis Conceptual models lack the deductive system of propositions that asserts the relationship between the concepts

Theoretical vs. Conceptual  Conceptual model is not directly testable by the researcher  Conceptual models represent the perspective of the designers.

Purposes of theories & conceptual models Progression in science Making research findings meaningful and generalizable Effective way of summarizing accumulated facts Add on understanding the nature of the phenomenon

Ethical Consideration Historical background: 1. Nazi medical experiment 2. Tuskegee syphilis study “not only were experimental subjects, they were are also have no choice

Codes of Ethics Nuremberg code: the first international effort Declaration of Helsinki, the world most notably (1964, revised 1975) Belmont report by the national research Act (1978, USA)

Belmont Principles A. Principle of beneficence: 1. Freedom from harm 2. Freedom from exploitation 3. Benefits from research 4. Risk/benefits ratio

Belmont Principles B. The Principle of respect and human dignity 1. Right for self-determination 2. Right to full disclosure

Belmont Principles C. The principle of Justice 1. The right to fair treatment 2. The right to privacy

Informed consent Content:  Participant status  Study purpose  Type of data  Nature of the commitment  Sponsorship  Participants selection  Procedures

Informed consent Potential risks and costs Potential benefits Confidentiality pledge Voluntary consent Right to withdraw Alternatives Contact information

Vulnerable subjects Children Mentally and emotionally disabled Physically disabled Institutionalized people Pregnant women

IRB (Institutional Review Board) A committee to review research proposal, procedures and protocols to protect participants’ rights. Exempt review (no apparent risk at all) Expedited review: (has minimal risk and reviewed by the committee chairperson) Full board review