EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy1 COINE Cultural Objects In Networked Environments Anthi Baliou University of Macedonia,Library Thessaloniki,


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Presentation transcript:

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy1 COINE Cultural Objects In Networked Environments Anthi Baliou University of Macedonia,Library Thessaloniki, Greece

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy2 COINE: Overall Aim To create a generalized infrastructure for managed digital cultural domains which will be exploitable as both a personal and a community space.

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy3 COINE: Specific Objectives The research of the requirements of different groups and individuals for managed digital spaces for cultural purposes. The development of a software infrastructure and a toolkit of software tools for such domains to be created, populated and maintained. The validation and testing of the package in a number of challenging environments The development of a realizable exploitation plan.

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy4 Summary Enable people to tell their own stories Development of standards for structured deployment/retrieval of digital resources in distributed network environments March August 2004 During this period: System Build (software and interfaces) Covers a wide range of potential users –cultural heritage organizations –institutions of all sizes (mainly libraries, archives and museums) –individuals (of any age and without IT skills)

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy5 COINE Workplan WP1 WP2 WP3WP4WP5 WP6 WP7 March 2002August 2004 WP1: Project Management WP2: Concertation and Dissemination WP3: User Requirements WP4: Specification and Design WP5: System Build WP6: Demonstration Trials WP7: Exploitation Preparation

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy6 COINE Workplan WP1: Project Management –Designed to ensure that the Project is managed in an efficient and effective manner and in accordance with the: Technical Annex Contract Consortium Agreement

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy7 COINE Workplan WP2: Concertation and Dissemination –This task is intended to ensure the engagement of the Project with related work and a variety of dissemination methods. Project “fliers” Information bulletins Papers at appropriate conferences and in appropriate journals Creation of the project website

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy8

9 COINE Worklpan WP3: User requirements –Establishment of contacts with cultural organizations (user scenarios) –Analysis of End-User Requirements including: State of the art review Organizational aspects Legal, economic and cultural contexts

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy10 WP 3 – User Requirements Task 3.1 – Analysis of Systems and standards Task 3.2 – Organizational Contexts Task 3.3 – Legal Environment Task 3.4 – Economic Contexts Task 3.5 – Cultural Contexts Task 3.6 – Analysis of end-user requirements

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy11 COINE – Application Scenarios –A Town's History (ENNIS) – Ireland –The History Center of Thessaloniki – Greece raries/kentro-istorias.htm –LLETRA (Virtual Space for Catalan literature) – Spain

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy12 Scenario 1: Activities of a secondary education school of Thessaloniki

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy13 Scenario 1: Activities of a secondary education school of Thessaloniki

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy14 Scenario 1: Activities of a secondary education school of Thessaloniki

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy15 Scenario 2: Activities of a primary school in Ambleside

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy16 Activities of a primary school in Ambleside

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy17 Activities of a primary school in Ambleside

18 Title: Creator: Subject: Publisher: Date of Creation: Identifier: Version: Language: Schema: Relation: Is Version Of: Coverage: Spatial: Temporal: Copyright: BEGIN Narrative Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text END Narrative COINE – Narrative Template Anticipation Narrative Area Metadata Area

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy19 Task 3.7 – Multilingual Aspects WP 3 – User Requirements

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy20 COINE Workplan WP4: Specification and Design The user requirements analysis provided input for this task. It consisted of a detailed functional specification and architecture design, which will form the baselines for the software development

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy21 COINE Worklpan WP5: System Build It draws a series of application issues such as: –search facilities –publishing environment –user interface –toolkit of techniques and advice for setting up a COINE domain

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy22 COINE – Technical Approach –A Publishing Platform To provide the functionality for creating digital archives –A Resource Access Platform To provide access to digital archives

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy23 COINE Publishing Platform

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy24 COINE Access Platform

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy25 COINE Workplan WP6: Demonstration Trials –Implementation and trials across different countries Provision of the software, supporting documentation and short training Documentation to define the scope of the experiment Extensive period of use of the system and a series of formal evaluations (in a structured manner) –Period of object and metadata capture and creation –Technical and end-user evaluations –Interoperation with domains

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy26 COINE Workplan WP7: Exploitation Preparation –Market research and testing within the demonstration environments –More formal approach: Competitor analysis Technology profiling

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy27 COINE - Partners Co-ordinator -Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) Technical Partners -Fretwell & Downing Informatics Ltd (Sheffield) -The National Microelectronics Applications Centre Ltd (Limerick) Demonstrator Partners -The Armitt Museum and Library (Ambleside) - eircom Ennis Information Age Town ( Ireland)

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy28 COINE – Partners (…continued) Demonstrator Partners (…continued) -Open University of Catalunya (Barcelona) -University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki) -Jagellonian University (Krakow)

EVA Workshop, 26 March 2003, Florence, Italy29 COINE – Web Site