Shangyu High School By Bai Luping Apr. 30, 2010. 当前环境问题日益突出, “ 低碳经济 ”“ 低碳生活 ” 应运而生。 但是你发现身边的很多同学还没有充分意识到这一点。请结合下面 的图片,谈谈你自己的看法。具体要求如下: 1. 结合下图简要分析身边同学不符合.


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Presentation transcript:

Shangyu High School By Bai Luping Apr. 30, 2010

当前环境问题日益突出, “ 低碳经济 ”“ 低碳生活 ” 应运而生。 但是你发现身边的很多同学还没有充分意识到这一点。请结合下面 的图片,谈谈你自己的看法。具体要求如下: 1. 结合下图简要分析身边同学不符合 “ 低碳生活 ” 的行为; 2. 针对这些行为谈谈你对 “ 低碳生活 ” 的看法及应采取的措施。 注意: 1. 词数 ; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Now, more people realize the important of protecting our environment. There are many people do not realize it. As is shown in the pictures, some students often forget to turn down the lights when we leave the classroom. It is waste of electricity. They often used paper cups and disposable chopsticks. They are all harmful to our environment. In my opinion, live a low carbon life is necessary. We can take measure and call on people around us protect our environment. We can save electricity. We can plant much more trees and use both sides of paper. They are all good for our environment. The government should make some effective laws. I hope everyone will protect our environment and live a low carbon life!

importance who off they a use Now, more people realize the important of protecting our environment. There are many people do not realize it. As is shown in the pictures, some students often forget to turn down the lights when we leave the classroom. It is waste of electricity. They often used paper cups and disposable chopsticks. They are all harmful to our environment.

In my opinion, live a low carbon life is necessary. We can take measure and call on people around us protect our environment. We can save electricity. We can plant much more trees. We can use both sides of paper. They are all good for our environment. The government should make some effective laws. I hope everyone will protect our environment and live a low carbon life! living measures to many

Now, more people realize the importance of protecting our environment. There are many people who do not realize it. As is shown in the pictures, some students often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. It is a waste of electricity. They often use paper cups and disposable chopsticks. They are all harmful to our environment. In my opinion, living a low carbon life is necessary. We can take measures and call on people around us to protect our environment. We can save electricity. We can plant many more trees. We can use both sides of paper. They are all good for our environment. The government should make some effective laws. I hope everyone will protect our environment and live a low carbon life!

强调句 倒装句 with 复合结构 advanced sentences advanced words and phrases 定语从句 名词性从句 非谓语动词 常用谚语 被动句 …

Now, more people have become aware of the importance of protecting our environment. However, there are many people not realizing it. As is shown in the pictures, some students often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom, which is a waste of electricity. What’s worse, paper cups and disposable chopsticks are often used, causing harm to our environment. In my opinion, living a low carbon life is necessary. We can take measures and call on people around us to protect our environment. Well goes a saying that together, individuals can make a difference. For one thing, not only can we save electricity but also we can plant more trees as well as use both sides of paper. I believe what we do is bound to contribute to our environment. For another, the government should make some effective laws. Only when everyone lives a low carbon life can we protect our environment.

Three Criteria( 标准 ): Correct Advanced Fluent

With the environment getting worse day by day, more people advocate leading a low carbon life. However, a great number of students haven’t been fully aware of its significance. As is shown in the pictures, they are casual about using electricity in particular, which goes the same way with the consuming of paper. Personally, I hold the view that a low carbon life can do the earth a favor as well as ourselves. Therefore, measures should be taken as follows. First, we are supposed to turn off the lights if not necessary. Moreover, using both sides of paper is a good choice in order to protect the forests. In addition, we should also take it into account that paper cups and chopsticks should not be used. In brief, low carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment. Well goes a saying that together, individuals can make a difference.

Four Criteria: Correct Advanced Fluent Idiomatic

It’s what I want! 左图描绘的是很多学生向 往的生活方式,请你根据对 这幅漫画的理解写一篇 100—120 词的短文。短文 应包括以下要点: 1. 描述漫画的主要内容; 2. 你喜欢这种生活方式 吗?并谈谈自己的理由。 优