80’s Computer Game Music Chloe
What is 80’s Computer game Music Computer game music in the 80’s was made by using sounds the computer produced and creating a loop. This was to save space on the memory. This was important to the music industry as people were playing these in their homes and this developed into people incorporating similar sounds into their music and bands.
Plan EventSound Climb LadderAscending scale using a virtual instrument Collects ChestQuick succession of two notes Breaks blockPencil tapping on table or snapping (Recording) BackgroundSimple loop FinishYippee! (Recording)
Chest For the sound when he collects the chest I played two consecutive notes in quick succession. The E and the F I added EQ, Reverb and the slightest hint of Distortion to make the sound a bit nicer.
End screen For the end screen sound I used Messiah and just played the C and held it for a bit.
Background For the Background music I made a short track and looped it. I used notes A, C, B, G, F and E. I used EQ to make it more electronic sounding.
Recorded I recorded two sounds using two microphones. I then cut and edited the track to get the best sounds.
Block breaking sound I recorded a pencil snapping in half for this sound. However I don’t think it fits well with the 80’s style. Its not my favourite sound so if I was to redo this I would change it to something like maracas or a crisp packet.
Ending Yippee I recorded this sound also. I asked Mr Harlow to say ‘yippee’ into the microphone. I then edited this sound to make it more high pitched and realistic using EQ and Reverb.
Ascending Ladder For the sound when the Lode runner ascends a ladder I played a quick succession of four notes. The notes were A, B, C and D. I again used EQ and Reverb.
Descending Ladder For when the Lode Runner descends a ladder I again used a quick succession of four notes. I used the same four notes as when he ascends but going D, C, B and A.
Finished My completed soundtrack for 80’s Lode Runner looks like this.
Evaluation In my opinion I think I lined up the sounds well and the sounds I used fit with the style. However I don’t think the sound I used for the block breaking worked very well. Next time I would definitely try something different.