{ Body Paragraphs Ms. Foley.  Topic Sentence (1 Sentence)  Context/Lead-In (1 Sentence)  Textual Evidence (1 Sentence)  Commentary/Explanation (3-4.


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Presentation transcript:

{ Body Paragraphs Ms. Foley

 Topic Sentence (1 Sentence)  Context/Lead-In (1 Sentence)  Textual Evidence (1 Sentence)  Commentary/Explanation (3-4 Sentences) Body Paragraph Structure

 Think of this like a mini-thesis. It controls what your paragraph will say, and everything in the paragraph must support it.  Literary Device: Repetition  Topic Sentence: Dr. King uses repetition in order to leave his audience with a clear memory of the key thoughts of his speech. Topic Sentence

 The purpose of the context/lead-in is to set the stage and introduce your evidence. Where in the piece it’s found, what’s going on, etc.  Context/Lead-In: Though the most famous repetition in the speech is the refrain, “I have a dream,” another strong example comes much earlier in the text. Context/Lead-In

 Be sure your textual evidence is:  Spelled/punctuated correctly  Copied word for word  Anchored to your text (No floating quotes)  Textual Evidence: In his second paragraph, King repeats the phrase “one hundred years later.” Textual Evidence

 This portion of the paragraph is the most important because it’s where your teacher sees your own thoughts.  You MUST learn to form your own opinions and be able to communicate them to your audience.  Be strong. Don’t say “I think,” “I feel,” “I believe.” Just say “This is how it is.”  Commentary: This highlights how long the injustice and indignity of the African-American community has been. They’ve been “free” from slavery for one hundred years only to suffer from the oppression of segregation and discrimination. Dr. King wants his audience to remember that the time for equality is long past due. Commentary

Dr. King uses repetition in order to leave his audience with a clear memory of the key thoughts of his speech. Though the most famous repetition in the speech is the refrain, “I have a dream,” another strong example comes much earlier in the text. In his second paragraph, King repeats the phrase “one hundred years later.” This highlights how long the injustice and indignity of the African-American community has been. They’ve been “free” from slavery for one hundred years only to suffer from the oppression of segregation and discrimination. Dr. King wants his audience to remember that the time for equality is long past due. Body Paragraph