TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY American Culture Unit One UNIT 1 Introduction to the Course.


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Presentation transcript:

TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY American Culture Unit One UNIT 1 Introduction to the Course

Page  2 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 Introduction to the Course  America is so vast that almost everything said about it is likely to be true, and the opposite is probably equally true. James T. Farrel

Page  3 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 I. The Diverse American Culture Four themes noted: 1.The US is a vast and complex nation marked by Immense cultural diversity and constant change. 2. There is usually a gap between idealism and reality.

Page  4 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 I. The Diverse American Culture Four themes noted: 3. Many political and social issues are controversial and there may not be absolute right and wrong. 4. The various aspects of American culture are analyzed from the historical and comparative perspectives.

Page  5 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 II. Basic American Values A Definition  Values are broad cultural principles embodying ideas about what most people in a society consider to be desirable.

Page  6 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 II. Basic American Values  They are standards by which people define good and bad, beautiful and ugly.  Values underline people’s preferences, guide their choices, and indicate what they hold worthwhile in life.

Page  7 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 II. Basic American Values B B. Fifteen major values—Robin Williams Robin Williams

Page  8 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 II. Basic American Values 1.Achievement and success 2.Individualism 3.Activity and work 13.Education 14.Religiosity 15.Romantic love and monogamy Fifteen major values 4.Efficiency and practicality 5.Science and rationality 6.Progress 10.Democracy 11.Humanitarianism 12.Racism and group superiority 7.Material comfort 8.Equality 9.Freedom

Page  9 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 III. People and Culture 1. Subcultures are groups that share many elements of mainstream culture but maintain their own distinctive customs, values, and lifestyles. 1. Subcultures are groups that share many elements of mainstream culture but maintain their own distinctive customs, values, and lifestyles. A.Subculture & counterculture 2. Countercultures are groups whose values place them in opposition to the dominant culture. 2. Countercultures are groups whose values place them in opposition to the dominant culture.

Page  10 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 III. People and Culture 1. Traditional culture regions 1. Traditional culture regions (1) New England (1) New England (2) Midland Culture Area (2) Midland Culture Area (3) The South (3) The South (4) The Midwest (4) The Midwest (5) The Wests (5) The Wests B. Diversity and Convergence 2. Voluntary culture regions 2. Voluntary culture regions (1) Southern and Central California (1) Southern and Central California (2) Tropical Florida (2) Tropical Florida (3) Megalopolis (3) Megalopolis (4) Pacific Northwest (4) Pacific Northwest

Page  11 TIANJIN FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY 2016/5/27 IV. Globalization & Cultural Convergence One result of globalization is cultural convergence—a process in which cultures become similar to one another as expanding industrialization brings not only technology but also Western culture to the rest of the world. Contemporary American culture is a complex mosaic, with members of different cultures and subcultures living side by side, sometimes in harmony, relishing each other’s special contributions, but at other times in opposition and conflict with other value system.