The Child The Adolescent The Adult.


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Presentation transcript:

The Child The Adolescent The Adult

Social Development in Infancy and Childhood

The fear of strangers an infant displays around 8 months of age Stranger Anxiety The fear of strangers an infant displays around 8 months of age Lasts until approx. 2 1/2

Attachment An emotional tie with another person resulting in seeking closeness Children develop strong attachments to their parents and caregivers. Body contact, familiarity, and responsiveness all contribute to attachment.

Factors affecting attachment: Neglect Abuse Temperament Separation from the family Chronic stress Cultural expectations Daycare does not affect attachment !!!!

Harry Harlow Body Contact Relates to attachment! The monkeys had to chose between a cloth mother or a wire mother that provided food.

The monkeys spent most of their time by the cloth mother…even if the other “mother” gave food!

Strange Situation! Secure Attachment – Mother Present: Child explores and interacts with stranger. Mother Leaves: Child visibly upset; does not interact with stranger. Mother Returns: Child happy to see Mom. Insecure Attachment – Mother Present: Child is anxious of exploration and of strangers. Mother Leaves: Sometimes upset but sometimes ambivalent. Anxious of stranger. Mother Returns: Child may be ambivalent or angry (hitting or pushing Mother). Often shows little emotion when mother leaves or returns. Mother and stranger often treated the same.

Secure attachment comes from Mother who is available and able to meet the needs of the child in a responsive and appropriate manner Insecure attachment comes from Mother who ignores child’s needs (until Mother is ready to give it completed. Attention given when Mother wants to give it not when the child asks for it. Also occurs when the child's needs are frequently not met and the child comes to believe that communication of needs has no influence on the caregiver.

Different results for different children Parenting Styles No one type fits all Different results for different children

Authoritarian Parenting Low in warmth, discipline is strict and sometimes physical. Communication high from parent to child and low from child to parent

Results- withdrawn & distrustful child Maturity expectations are high. Results- withdrawn & distrustful child

Permissive Parenting High in warmth but rarely discipline Communication is low from parent to child but high from child to parent.

Results- Child with little self-control, dependent on others Expectations of maturity are low. Results- Child with little self-control, dependent on others

Authoritative Parenting High in warmth with moderate discipline High in communication and negotiating Parents set and explain rules.

Results- Self- reliant & socially responsible child Maturity expectations are moderate. Results- Self- reliant & socially responsible child


Language From cooing to communication “MOTHERESE” Babies respond to pitch , intensity, and sound of language People talk to babies w/ varied pitch and intonation CLICK PHOTO TO HEAR “MOTHERESE”

Language By 4-6 months, babies have learned basic language sounds of their language, and over time lose ability to perceive speech sounds in another language Between 6 months to 1 year, babies enter the babbling phase; infants become more familiar with the sound structure of their native language

Around 11 months, babies begin a “one-word” stage (Juice!) Between 18 months and 2 years, 2 and 3 word combinations are produced; Combinations “telegraph” meaning (Want Juice!)

Is Language due to Nurture? BF Skinner – Operant Conditioning Children learn to speak because they are rewarded for making certain sounds

– Is Language Nurture? Noam Chomsky Chomsky argued the brain must contain a language acquisition device that enables children to develop a language if they are exposed to it.

Language (Chomsky –Innate?) Children all over the world go through similar stages of linguistics development Children combine words in ways that adults never would, so they could not be simply imitating adults

Moral Development

Heinz Dilemma After listening to Heinz’s story, write down what you think he should have done and WHY

The 3 Levels of Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg The 3 Levels of Moral Development Moral level is determined by answers people give to hypothetical moral dilemmas

Level One – Preconventional morality (self interest up to 10) This level is characterized by the desire to avoid punishment or gain reward Stage 1 – fear punishment for disobedience Stage 2 – in their best interest to obey

Level 2 – Conventional morality (10 through Adult) This Level is characterized by the Primary concern of fitting in and playing the role of a good citizen People have a strong desire to follow the rules and laws. Typical of most adults Stage 3 – based on conformity and loyalty Stage 4 – a “law-and-order” orientation

Most adults do not reach this level. Level 3 – Postconventional (“principled”) morality (Adolescence- through Adulthood) This level characterized by an appreciation of Universal ethical principles that represent the rights or obligations of all people Most adults do not reach this level. Stage 5 – values and laws are relative and change; recognition that people hold differing standards Stage 6 – standard based on universal human rights

Limitations to theory Stage theory tends to over look cultural and educational influences on reasoning People’s moral reasoning is often inconsistent across situations Moral reasoning and behavior are often unrelated

What is Adolescence?

Adolescence The period between childhood and adulthood From puberty (the start of sexual maturation) to independence from parents

Physical Development in Adolescence

Puberty The period of sexual maturation where the person becomes capable of reproducing Starts at approximately age 11 in females and age 13 in males Major growth spurt

Physical Development

Primary Sex Characteristics The body structures that make sexual reproduction possible Ovaries in females Testes in males

Secondary Sex Characteristics Nonreproductive sexual characteristics Breasts and hips in females Facial hair and voice changes in males

Sexual Characteristics

Social Development in Adolescence

8-stage theory of social development Erik Erikson 8-stage theory of social development Each stage has its own psychosocial, developmental task: a “crisis”.

Trust v. mistrust Infancy to 1 year If needs met, develop a sense of basic trust, otherwise will develop mistrust

Autonomy v. Shame/Doubt 1 to 2 years Learn to exercise and do things for self or they will doubt their abilities

Initiative v. guilt 3 to 5 Learn to initiate tasks and carry out plans or they feel guilty about efforts to be independent

Competence v. Inferiority 6 years to puberty Positive experiences develop pride & competence Negative experiences may lead to feelings of inferiority

Identity v. Role Confusion Teens into 20s (Adolescence) Refining sense of self by testing roles – challenging authority Find SELF or become confused about who they are

Intimacy v. Isolation 20s to 40s (Young Adulthood) Forming close relationships Deeper love or socially isolated

Generativity v. Stagnation 40s to 60s (Middle Adulthood) Discover sense of contributing to the world or they may feel lack of purpose

Ego integrity v. Despair 60 and up Reflecting on life either feel satisfied or failure

Social Development in Adolescence: Developing Identity

Identity A strong, consistent sense of who and what a person is, search through: Experimentation Rebellion “Self”-ishness Optimism and energy

Intimacy A close, sharing, emotional, and honest relationship with other people (primary task of early adulthood) Not necessarily one’s spouse or a sexual relationship

Adulthood How easily one passes between stages depends on cultural and economic factors Erickson showed that development is an ongoing process that is never finished

Are Adults Prisoners of Childhood? Traumatized children are more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems

Partnerships formed Parenthood Work (double shift) Midlife crisis/transition

Menopause Retirement Change in relationships- empty nest, death of family & friends

Death Denying culture Stages of Dying (D-A-B-D-A) Kubler-Ross