Risk Assessment At the end of this session you should be able to: Define is risk assessment Identify how to assess risks in the workplace Identify hazards.


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Presentation transcript:

Risk Assessment At the end of this session you should be able to: Define is risk assessment Identify how to assess risks in the workplace Identify hazards Decide who may be harmed & how Evaluate risks & decide on precautions Record findings & implement them Review risk assessment & update

What is risk assessment? Careful examination of what could cause harm to people A plan of how to remove or reduce risk Have you taken enough precautions to protect the workplace Workers have a right to protection Legal requirement to assess potential in the workplace risks Accidents & ill health ruin lives Affect reputation of business Could lead to prosecution

How to assess risk in the workplace Identify hazards Decide who might be harmed and how Evaluate risks and decide on precautions Record findings and implement them Review assessment and update if necessary

Hazard Anything that may cause harm Chemicals, electricity, drugs, other people, lifting people etc Risk The chance that somebody could be harmed High, medium or low risk How serious could the harm be

Identify the hazard Walk around & look Ask people – staff, residents, visitors Visit HSE (Health Safety Executive) web site - guidance Call HSE info line publications Contact Workplace Health Control – free advice Trade Union Check manufacturer’s instructions Look at Accident and ill health records Consider long term hazards to health – e.g. back injury

Decide who might be harmed For each hazard decide who is at risk from lifting heavy objects/people Identify how they may be harmed E.g. carers may be have back injuries Some people have special requirements Special needs, pregnancy, new staff, very young staff Visitors Other professionals, contractors, maintenance people Public Clients family & friends Shared premises Ask others

Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Decide what to do with the hazards you have identified What is ‘reasonably practical’ Compare with good practice - Look at HSE website etc Can you get rid of the hazard ? If not, how can you control the risk to reduce risk of harm?

Evaluating risk cont’d Less risky option e.g. use less hazardous chemicals Prevent access to the hazard guards Organise work to reduce exposure Working in pairs, hoists Issue personal protective equipment (PPE) clothing, gloves, pinnies, sweatshirts Provide welfare facilities first aiders, washing facilities, occupational health

Record findings and implement them Put risk assessment results into practice Record results (if more than 5 staff) Simple E.g. ‘Tripping over rubbish – bins provided – staff instructed – weekly checks Share with staff Need to show a proper check was made Asked who might be affected Dealt with major hazards Precautions are reasonable Involved other staff

Risk assessment plan should show: Cheap/easy improvements Quick action Temporary solutions to reduce immediate risk Long term solutions Arrangements for training staff Regular checks Clear responsibilities – who, by when

What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? What are you already doing? What further action is necessary? How will you put the assessment into practice? E.G. Trips and falls from frayed carpet in front entrance Staff, service users, visitors Cover frayed area Put out caution sign Warn staff and residents Arranged for carpet repairer to call Check repair has been done by the end of the week

Review risk assessment and update if necessary Take account of changes in the workplace New hazards Ongoing review (annually) or sooner if major change Look at risk assessment changes? Improvements? Staff reports? Learnt from mistakes, accidents, near misses?

Types of risk assessment in a care setting Moving & handling Infection control Care of drugs Care of chemicals Keeping environment tidy Outside visits Visitors Maintenance of vehicles Maintenance of equipment General up keep of the premises