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Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

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1 Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

2 Who’s responsible for H+S?
Me. You. Everyone.

3 Objectives of the Lesson (and next week)
Be able to; Describe Employer and Employee responsibilities Identify unsafe act and unsafe conditions in a business activity setting Explain what is meant by COSHH Demonstrate the importance and write up a Risk Assessment

4 Funny workplace safety training video

5 Risk Assessment What are Risk Assessments?
They are a systematic examination of work situations to identify potential risks to health, safety and security of workers, service users and the visiting public

6 Risk Assessment Why do we need Risk Assessments?
They are to put in place risk control measures to minimise, eliminate or contain risks Dermatitis - Hairdresser

7 Risk Assessment They are a legal requirement of the HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORK ACT 1974

8 Risk Assessment What is the risk assessment process?
It is a continual process Nothing can ever be ‘safe’ and must be continually monitored and reviewed

9 Risk Assessment RISK ASSESSMENT – THE 5 STAGES 1) Identify the risk
2) Determine the hazard 3) Bring in control measures 4) Inform and train the staff 5) Review the control measures regularly

10 Risk Assessment RISK ASSESSMENT Reassess risk Assess Risk RISK ASSESSMENT -Is the risk controlled -what are the hazards - Are further controls who is at risk needed Record detailed plan Make a plan of action -update as necessary what needs to be done Identify key people involved RISK CONTROL MEASURES RISK CONTROL MEASURES

11 Duties of Employers Employers must provide safety equipment and safe working methods including safe tools, equipment, appliances, safe machinery and safe systems of work Employers must maintain all equipment Employers must make arrangements for safe handling, use, transportation and storage of all articles and substances

12 Duties of Employers Employers must provide sufficient information, instruction, training and adequate work supervision to ENSURE employee’s health & safety at work i.e. A written health & safety policy AND The arrangements and structures to carry out the policy and issue notices of any revisions to the policy

13 Duties of Employers There must be a safety committee when required
There must be provision of protective clothing, personal protective equipment and other safety devices when they are needed at no charge to the employee

14 Duties of EmployEES Employees have a duty to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their work Employees must co-operate with their employer on all matters of health & safety and proper use of anything provided in the interest of health & safety

15 Newer Regulations Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1992 Workplace (Health & Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992 Manual handling Operations Regulations 1992 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

16 Newer Regulations Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992 These are often called the ‘six pack’ (research on the web – activity Tell me what it is – 10 minutes) On average there are 500 deaths and 30,000 serious injuries per year in the workplace

17 Statutory Regulations
Statutory Regulations relating to dangerous machinery or substances should be: Written in a safety leaflet or Written on a notice next to the equipment

18 COSHH what does this stand for?.......
Employers must assess the risk to health which can arise from hazardous substances in work activities Implement effective measures of control based on the assessment Provide suitable training and information for those who may be affected Carry out routine monitoring of exposure and health surveys New Consolidated COSHH regulations came into force November 2002 replacing the 1999 regulations.

19 Unsafe conditions Environmental conditions such as: Lighting Noise
Fumes Ice & Snow

20 Unsafe conditions Hazardous materials used without proper precautions
Poor design or condition of equipment Hazardous work conditions or methods Inadequate information or training

21 Unsafe Acts Attempting a task without enough knowledge, ability or strength Carrying out a task with inadequate supervision Failure to follow correct procedures or use of protective clothing and safety equipment

22 Reporting Hazards Any hazards you see should be reported immediately to your supervisor so it can be removed, repaired or replaced BEFORE it becomes the cause of an accident or dangerous occurrence

23 References

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