GRAMMAR I want ranch on _______ salad. a.her b.your c.mine


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Presentation transcript:

GRAMMAR I want ranch on _______ salad. a.her b.your c.mine

GRAMMAR My aunt likes Italian dressing on _____ salad. a.mine b.her c.his d.our

GRAMMAR We went to Ox Yoke for _____ dinner. a.our b.your c.her d.mine

GRAMMAR The steak is yummy and _____ taste makes you want more. a.their b.our c.its d.his

GRAMMAR That is his bike and this is ________. a.her b.her c.his d.mine

GRAMMAR My brother cleaned _______ bike. a.its b.his c.mine d.yours

GRAMMAR Minerals are in (our, ours) food.

GRAMMAR Minerals are in (our, ours) food. our

GRAMMAR I like to play in (my, mine) bedroom.

GRAMMAR I like to play in (my, mine) bedroom. my

GRAMMAR Pizza is my favorite, and chicken is (her, hers).

GRAMMAR Pizza is my favorite, and chicken is (her, hers). hers

GRAMMAR A square has four sides and (her, its) sides are all the same length.

GRAMMAR A square has four sides and (her, its) sides are all the same length. its

GRAMMAR Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence. There may be more than one in each sentence. She likes to cook, and her favorite dish is macaroni and cheese.

GRAMMAR Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence. There may be more than one in each sentence. She likes to cook, and her favorite dish is macaroni and cheese. her

GRAMMAR Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence. There may be more than one in each sentence. My cousin has a bike and its wheels are purple.

GRAMMAR Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence. There may be more than one in each sentence. My cousin has a bike and its wheels are purple. my, its

GRAMMAR Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence. There may be more than one in each sentence. Our teacher is 33, and her birthday is in March.

GRAMMAR Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence. There may be more than one in each sentence. Our teacher is 33, and her birthday is in March. our, her

GRAMMAR Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence. There may be more than one in each sentence. My parents are scuba divers and their favorite place is the Bahamas.

GRAMMAR Write the possessive pronouns in each sentence. There may be more than one in each sentence. My parents are scuba divers and their favorite place is the Bahamas. my, their