HEBREWS 4:14-16 The Privilege of Prayer
Recognizing prayer as the wonderful grace that it is the ability to communicate with our Creator while (hopefully) part of the daily routine for most Christians, the blessing of prayer was not free, nor is it mundane God intended to communicate with His creation made Himself known to us through revelation (1 Cor. 2:10, 16) requests the same of us through prayer (Phil. 4:6) Unfortunately, not all have this privilege being such a foundation piece of our fellowship with God, how can we make sure our prayers are being heard?
For Whom Prayer IS NOT a Privilege Those who will not heed God’s word prayers considered an abomination (Prov. 28:9) these demand an audience of God and His favor, all the while continuing to ignore His own will revealed to them (2 Tim. 4:3-4) seriousness of ignoring God’s will revealed (Heb. 10:29) Those whose sins separate them from God the only thing that can separate us from the favor of God is our own sin (Rom. 8:38-39)(Is. 59:1-2) these God calls upon out of love and patience to repent and He will joyfully restore their fellowship (2 Pet. 3:9)(Lk. 15:20)
For Whom Prayer IS NOT a Privilege Those who treat others unjustly showing partiality (James 2:8-9) refusing to forgive (Mt. 18:21-35) treating spouse with unkindness (Mal. 2:13-14)(1 Pet. 3:7) Those who pray without faith without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6) asking with doubt in our hearts ensures failure (James 1:5-8) must have sufficient trust in the power and goodness of God
For Whom Prayer IS a Privilege The sinner seeking truth and salvation while not yet a Christian, God acknowledged Cornelius’ prayers because he was desirous of God’s will (Acts 10:4, 31) Christ promises that He will answer the one who hungers and thirsts for righteousness (Mt. 5:6; 7:7-8) Cornelius needed to hear and obey the gospel to be saved, thus God gave him that opportunity through Peter The faithful Christian Christ serves as our mediator and High Priest able to aid His brethren in all things (Heb. 2:17-18) making it possible to approach God’s throne boldly (4:14-16) and able to save to the utmost (7:25)
Conclusion With such a wonderful grace available to those of God’s kingdom, how can one be assured that God will hear and answer their prayers? obey the gospel hear believe repent confess be baptized become restored repent and pray to God for forgiveness