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The Purpose of Prayer (Focus on prayer)

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Presentation on theme: "The Purpose of Prayer (Focus on prayer)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Purpose of Prayer (Focus on prayer)
Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication

2 The Power of Prayer (Push us to pray)
Forgiveness Peace Strength Opportunity Boldness Laborers Wisdom Healing

3 The Principles of Prayer (Pray correctly)
We must have a humble spirit We must pray with thanksgiving Our prayer must be in faith Our prayer must be according to God’s will We must pray in Christ’s name

4 The Persistence of Prayer (Continually Pray)
The parable of the persistent widow The parable of the insistent friend Paul’s teachings (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Examples of persistence: Christ in the garden Paul

5 Practice of Prayer I How should we pray? When are we praying?
Addressing God the Father in reverence With supplication and praises In simplicity, forgiveness, and persistence When are we praying? Do we have set times to pray? Do we pray as needs arise?

6 Practice of Prayer II With whom should we pray?
Private prayer With other Christians What should we pray for? Self Family Community Church Nation Nonbelievers Sick Poor and afflicted

7 The Privilege of Prayer

8 Who does not have the privilege?
Those who openly disregard God’s word 2 Timothy 4:3-4 We must be obedient to God’s word (Proverbs 28:9) Those who are separated by sin Sin separates us so that God will not hear (Isaiah 59:1-2) Those who do not seek forgiveness are dead in their sins (Romans 6:23)

9 Who does not have the privilege?
Those who fail to treat others justly Those who do not treat their wives correctly (1 Peter 3:7) Those who fail to make things right with a brother (Matthew 5:23-24) Those who fail to forgive (Matthew 18:21-35) Those who pray without faith Faith is required to please God (Hebrews 11:6) Asking with doubt ensures failure (James 1:5-8)

10 Who has the privilege? The sinner earnestly seeking truth and righteousness Cornelius (Acts 10:1-2) A good man, but still in need of salvation (Acts 11:14) God noticed his prayers and alms (Acts 10:4) God sent the gospel to Cornelius by which he would be saved Cornelius was not saved by prayer He needed to hear “a message by which he would be saved” (Acts 11:14; Romans 1:16) Just as Saul was not (Acts 9:11; 22:16)

11 Who has the privilege? God heard the prayer of a sinner like Cornelius: He was hungering and thirsting for righteousness (Matthew 5:6) He was asking, seeking, and knocking (Matthew 7:7-8) If a sinner is truly seeking righteousness their prayers will be heard!

12 Who has the privilege? Those in the body (Ephesians 2:11-18)
Those with Christ as their High Priest Christ who is able to understand us is a fit High Priest (Hebrews 2:17-18) Allows us to confidently approach God’s throne (Hebrews 4:14-16) Because he intercedes for us, he is able to save to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25) Those with Christ as their advocate and mediator Christ has taken these roles (1 John 2:1; 1 Timothy 2:5) He makes intercession for us (Romans 8:34)

13 The Privilege of Prayer?
The ears of the Lord are open to the prayers of the righteous (1 Peter 3:12) To be righteous, we must submit to God (Romans 10:1-4) According to his word (Romans 1:16-17) God listens to those earnestly seeking his word Those like Cornelius With a good and noble hearts Seeking the things of God


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