Background / Policy Context For Scotlands children examined childrens services across Scotland. Identified need to ensure that agencies work together.


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Presentation transcript:

Background / Policy Context For Scotlands children examined childrens services across Scotland. Identified need to ensure that agencies work together effectively to provide services for children. Childrens services that were better integrated would be better services and have better outcomes for children and families.

The Plan includes: Our shared vision The strategic framework The local context Progress The action plan

Replaces the separate plans for the following areas of service: Statements of Education Improvement Objectives Childrens Services Plans for Children in Need Youth Justice Strategies Child health elements of Local Health Plans / NHS Priority Statements

Scottish Ministers Vision Scotlands children should be: Confident individuals Effective contributors Successful learners Responsible citizens

Key Priorities Aberdeen will be a City where children and young people are : Safe Nurtured Healthy Achieving Active Respected and Responsible Included

THERE ARE 105 OUTCOME INDICATORS IN OUR INTEGRATED CHILDRENS SERVICES PLAN For a copy of: For Aberdeens Children Integrated Children Services Plan please contact Louise Beaton Principal Officer (Planning)

Section 1 - Improving Childrens Services What is Already happening. Section 2 - Proposals For Action Section 3 - Integrated Assessment Framework Section 4 - Your Response

Integrated Assessment Framework Framework for ALL children. Proposals to ensure exchange of information amongst agencies. Needs assessment triangle used to reflect multi-agency approach. Language more accessible. Proposed core data set for use across all sectors. Each agency to create a chronology.

Integrated Assessment Framework

NEW COMMUNITY SCHOOLS (1998) By 2007, every school in Scotland will participate in delivering integrated childrens services.

Quality Indicators (QIs) The HMIe QIs are closely linked to the Framework for Standards. Self Evaluation against the framework is strongly encouraged. The QIs are: The impact of services on children, families and community. The quality of delivery of services. The quality of operational management. The quality of strategic management. Capacity for Improvement. Each of the QIs contains questions about the quality of provision. The key questions are: How effective is the help children & young people get when they need it? How effectively do agencies and the community work together to keep children and young people safe? How good is the delivery of key processes? How good is operational management in protecting children and young people and meeting their needs? How good is individual and collective strategic leadership

What inspectors will be looking for is a sufficient range and depth of evidence to credibly and convincingly answer the question: HOW WELL ARE C&YP PROTECTED AND THEIR NEEDS MET?

Services for Children Unit The Unit consists of a multi-agency inspection team with representatives from the Social Work Inspection Agency (SWIA), the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care (Care Commission), Her Majestys Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), NHS Quality Improvement Scotland (QIS) and HMIe. Two pilot inspections have been completed, (Highland and East Dumbartonshire). The range of activities undertaken by the inspection team included: Reviewing practice through file reading. Interviewing key staff. Observation of child review meetings and Childrens Hearings. Obtaining the views of some children, young people, parents and carers. Meeting a wide range of professionals from health, local authority services and police. Meeting staff and visiting projects in range of voluntary organisations involved in service provision for children.

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