Final Review 12 CP English Hack Period 3. Memoir a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. Night was a memoir…


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Presentation transcript:

Final Review 12 CP English Hack Period 3

Memoir a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. Night was a memoir… it was also an autobiography.

Things Fall Apart EurocentricNon-Eurocentric focusing on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider view of the world; indirectly regarding European culture as leading. Does not believe that European culture is superior

Things Fall Apart ImperialisticAnti-Imperialistic a policy or practice by which a country increases its power by gaining control over other areas of the world and pushes for colonization The Africans did not believe in colonization, nor saw the benefit, and they wanted to remain in their villages

Elements of Literature Hyperbole: A figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express a strong sentiment or create a comic effect; “overstatement” ◦ Example:  “sweating to death”  “a ton of homework”

Elements of Lit Point of View: the vantage point from which a writer tells a story ◦ 1 st (Using pronoun “I” ◦ 3 rd Limited- Narrator outside the story but tells the story from the vantage point of only one character ◦ 3 rd Ominiscent- Knows EVERYTHING that’s going on in the story “god-like” figure that tells us what all the characters are feeling and thinking.

Elements of Lit Simile: a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two seemingly unlike things using like, as, than, or resembles ◦ Ex: ◦ “A full moon like an accusing fate.” ◦ “Clouds resembling stuffed animals.” Setting: Time and place of a story, play or narrative

Irony A contrast between expectation and reality– what is said and what is really meant; what is expected and what really happens; what appears to be true and what really is true

Allusion A reference to a statement, person, place, event or thing that is known from literature, history, religion, myth, politics, etc. Examples: ◦ “I was surprised his nose was not growing like Pinocchio’s.” This refers to the story of Pinocchio, where his nose grew whenever he told a lie. ◦ “When she lost her job, she acted like a Scrooge, and refused to buy anything that wasn’t necessary.” Scrooge was an extremely stingy character from Charles Dickens’, A Christmas Carol. ◦ “He was a real Romeo with the ladies.” Romeo was a character in Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, and was very romantic in expressing his love for Juliet.

Dramatic Elements Aside: private words that a character in a play speaks to another character or to the audience that are NOT suppose to be heard by others onstage Diction: The writer’s or speaker’s choice of words Dialogue: Conversation between 2 or more people

Soliloquy A long speech in which a character who is usually alone onstage expresses his or her private thoughts or feelings Monologues are long, formal speeches but usually directed at another character or the audience.

Elements of Tragedy Tragedy- a play, novel or other narrative depicting serious and important events in which the main character comes to an unhappy end Tragic Hero- usually dignified, courageous, and high ranking (NOBILITY)- wins some self-knowledge and wisdom (REVELATION) despite defeat (death) Tragic Flaw- Error in judgment or character weakness that results in downfall

Fable A very brief story in prose or verse that teaches a moral or practical lesson about life. Often includes characters that are animals who behave and speak like humans