National Watershed Project – DoLR and World Bank Design, Activities and Financing January 11, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

National Watershed Project – DoLR and World Bank Design, Activities and Financing January 11, 2014

Partner States Andhra Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan Outlay Approx. INR 2142 crores (USD 357 million) Cost share 50:50 between GoI and WB States to bear 10% cost share for Component 3 activities Timeline Implemented between and (6 yrs)

Development objective: is to improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP). Effectiveness is defined by improved incremental conservation outcomes and agricultural yields for communities in selected project areas, and adoption of new processes and technologies into the broader IWMP in participating project states.

Four main components: C-1. Central Institutional and Human Capacity Building C-2. National Innovation Support C-3. IWMP Implementation Support in Partner States C-4. Project Implementation Support

1.1 Central Capacity Building 1.2 National Knowledge and Data Center 1.3 Communications 1.4 Strengthening National M&E for Watershed Management 1.5 Catchment and Micro-level Planning

Support national training assessment, developing common materials and backstopping states who will deliver training programs Manage international learning visits for DoLR and participating states Develop integrated M&E framework that links DoLR and states Operate the Neeranchal National Knowledge and Data Center within the current DoLR structure Develop and maintain web based- knowledge sharing system for practitioners and professionals Facilitate and support communities of practice at technical level Lead project-wide national communications programs Support for Catchment and Micro-level Planning Component 1 Reach

Component delivered through DoLR at national level M&E development with support of a partner agency Capacity building will be supported by a key partner at national level to support states with their capacity development Knowledge and Data Center would encompass PIU technical specialists, representatives from partner research agencies and external members, for example private sector, universities, research institutions, etc.

2.1 National Innovation Fund 2.2 Institutional Applied Research and Development Component 2 Reach Component 2 will support coordinated generation of knowledge, tools, and new approaches to support improvements to IWMP The component will support piloting at field level to develop a clear body of evidence for innovations Support participating states through Component 3 to adopt successful innovations in the field

Component 2 implementation by DoLR through key national partners and additional specialist agencies The main partners would be represented in a Neeranchal National Knowledge and Data Center in DoLR:

Operation of Neeranchal Innovation Fund Fund will help identify and finance small-scale innovations to support watershed development Small competitive grants to individuals/institutions What are we financing? Operation of any research technical sub-committees, capitalization and operation of the innovation fund, provision of small innovation grants to successful applicants, technical consultants and other service providers linked to innovation Fund, knowledge sharing, etc.

National level R&D, innovation and technology transfer Two consolidated areas of focus: 1)Agricultural Performance, Rural Livelihoods, and Climate change 2)Decision Support Systems and Data Bases for Hydrology and Watershed Management

Agriculture Performance, Rural Development and Climate Change a) Improving agricultural performance Soil health management. Assess options for soil micro- nutrient testing and mapping, provide technical support to states for scaling up Improved seeds and planting material. Identify options to expand use of high quality seeds and planting stock by farmers Livestock. Identify techniques to improve animal health management and disease control, feed and fodder availability and quality, better management of common property areas for livestock; compile best practices with Gopal Mitras, etc Fisheries. Identify technologies and systems to improve fish yields from aquaculture in tanks, small dams and farm ponds Conservation agriculture. Identify and then demonstrate techniques in selected areas to illustrate and quantify the value of these approaches Integrated farming system interventions. Identify new approaches and techniques (covering crops, horticulture, livestock, fisheries, etc.) Gender. Identify options for organizing farm women and improving their training and capacities

Agriculture Performance, Rural Development and Climate Change a) Improving rural livelihoods Applied research and development to develop community-led inclusive growth models as part of watershed development Map and analyze value chains of key agricultural and non-agricultural product groups Develop models for more effective integrated farming systems Identify and pilot successful approaches that can help farmers improve their product quality, market linkages, and access to finance Create financial literacy program for farmers, and pilot use of new information sharing technologies for farmers.

Agriculture Performance, Rural Development and Climate Change c) Climate change adaptation and risk reduction for farmers Assessment of existing systems in India to provide improved weather forecasts to farmers, crop advisories, and delivery of information on a regular basis Studies and knowledge sharing on climate proofing technologies and role of watershed management in disaster risk reduction Pilots to apply remote sensing and modeling for carbon mapping and monitoring in pilot watersheds

Decision Support Systems and Data Bases for Hydrology and Watershed Management a) DSS Development and Piloting Develop and pilot new decision-support systems (DSS) to support DoLR and states to implement IWMP at landscape, expanded sub-watershed, and micro-watershed levels: Tools to support DoLR and states to assess investment requirements, select sites, set priorities Systems to provide improved hydrological information to support landscape level assessment and more integrated watershed planning Systems to help farmers, communities, and local authorities make better water management decisions as part of watershed planning Technical backstopping to states for urban watershed management

Decision Support Systems and Data Bases for Hydrology and Watershed Management B) Developing Digital Data Bases Help establish IT and GIS-enabled land resource inventory and data bases in participating states Develop overall framework, data needs, definitions, sharing protocols Technical support to states as they develop their own data bases Development of a National Watershed Data Center in DoLR linked to state data bases

Structure of Component 3 IWMP Implementation Support in Focal States A) Core Activities Across all Participating States 3.1 Support for Improved Program Integration in Rainfed Areas 3.2 Institutional Strengthening 3.3 Adoption of R&D and Technology Transfer 3.4 Project Management and Coordination B) State Specific Activities 3.5 State Specific Innovations and Pilots C) Urban Watershed Management 3.6 Development of urban watershed management

Component 3 to be implemented through state SLNAs, supported by additional technical and administrative positions financed by the project at various levels Many field activities will by guided by and linked with Component 1 and 2. National components will develop knowledge base, methodologies, identify best practices, technologies, etc. States will finance and implement field trials, adoption, etc., with technical support from national partners and/or other state-regional agencies.

Strengthening GIS capability Development and maintenance of data bases (digital library) Support for landscape catchment planning for IWMP Support for integrated micro- watershed planning for IWMP Community based monitoring What are we financing? Equipment, data and satellite images, technical support from consultants and state partner institutions, specific training, workshops, etc. 3.1 Support for Improved Program Integration in Rainfed Areas

a)State Level Strengthening SNLA Needs assessments Developing state specific training materials across all subjects, drawing on national materials in C-1 Implementing specialized incremental training for officers National exposure visits Linking with new technical communities of practice b)Field Level Support Needs assessments Developing local training materials across all subjects, drawing on national materials in C-1 Implementing specialized incremental training State and national exposure visits Support for improved extension services 3.2 Institutional Strengthening What are we financing? Equipment, consultants and local institutional technical support, travel

States will lead field adoption of innovations across four thematic areas: 1.Improving agriculture performance 2.Decision support systems for hydrology and watershed management 3.Climate change and risk reduction 4.Support for value addition and supply chains, extension systems, livelihoods Activities are linked to national R&D and innovation in Component 2, supported by major national and international partners. 3.3 Adoption of R&D and Technology Transfer What are we financing? Automated meteorological equipment, hydrological monitoring equipment, field application of new models and other tools, technical support from consultants and state partner institutions for field trials, demonstrations, specific training, workshops, etc.

Incremental support to help the state to implement Neeranchal activities in C-3 At state and district levels 3.4 Project Management and Coordination (maximum 10% of allocation) What are we financing? Equipment Project management support: Financial management and procurement specialists Internal/external audit services Travel (rental costs) Incremental technical specialist support: Communications, documentation, GIS, social and environmental safeguards, M&E and MIS, hydrology, livestock, etc. Other incremental costs

Ideas Proposed by States Watershed management pilots in wetlands, deserts, mining, and wasteland areas Focused pilots for improved water storage, energy efficient pumping sets, water distribution, and monitoring Testing new technology in balancing groundwater and surface water use Innovation in livestock production and reducing grazing pressure in watersheds Testing new service delivery systems in agriculture extension and agribusiness Reviving traditional water supply systems Carbon financing in watersheds 3.5 State specific innovations and pilot activities agreed between DoLR, state and Bank, operating largely outside IWMP What are we financing? Technical support from consultants, state institutions and other agencies, goods, works

Focused investment in managing upper catchments within a defined watershed that is supplying water to a small urban area, in situ water conservation Up to two areas per participating state 3.6 Development of urban watershed management What are we financing? Technical support from consultants, state institutions and other agencies for participatory planning processes, landscape scale mapping and application of new models and other tools. Technical support for developing and implementing field level plans with stakeholders in upper catchments and urban area. Planned soil and water conservation works., equipment, etc.

Basic Project components Component 2 National Innovation support Component 2 National Innovation support Component 4 Project Management Component 4 Project Management Component 1 Capacity Building Component 1 Capacity Building Component 3 State Level Activities Component 3 State Level Activities Sub-Component 2.1 National Innovation Fund Sub-Component 2.1 National Innovation Fund Sub-Component 2.2 Institutional Applied R&D 1)Agricultural performance, rural developments and climate change 2)Decision support systems and data bases for hydrology and watershed management Sub-Component 2.2 Institutional Applied R&D 1)Agricultural performance, rural developments and climate change 2)Decision support systems and data bases for hydrology and watershed management Sub-Component 3.1 Support for Improved Program Integration in Rainfed Areas GIS capacity Digital data bases Landscape level planning Integrated MWS planning Community based monitoring Sub-Component 3.1 Support for Improved Program Integration in Rainfed Areas GIS capacity Digital data bases Landscape level planning Integrated MWS planning Community based monitoring Sub-Component 1.1 Capacity and institutional building Sub-Component 1.1 Capacity and institutional building Sub-Component 1.4 Strengthen Central M&E Sub-Component 1.4 Strengthen Central M&E Sub-Component 1.3 National Communications Sub-Component 1.3 National Communications Sub-Component 3.3 Adoption of R&D and TT Sub-Component 3.3 Adoption of R&D and TT Sub-Component 3.2 Institutional Strengthening at State and Field Levels Sub-Component 3.2 Institutional Strengthening at State and Field Levels Sub-Component 3.4 Project coordination and mgt Sub-Component 3.4 Project coordination and mgt Sub-Component 3.5 and 3.6 State innovations and Urban WS Sub-Component 3.5 and 3.6 State innovations and Urban WS Sub-Component 1.2 National Knowledge and Data Center Sub-Component 1.2 National Knowledge and Data Center

Thank You