Final Reflection Professional Writing ENC 3250 Emily Evenson.


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Presentation transcript:

Final Reflection Professional Writing ENC 3250 Emily Evenson

Takeaways Since The Midterm The most impacting knowledge I gained since the midterm, would be how to write a formal internal proposal. Requesting a large sum of money to fund a new program or idea takes a significant amount of research and persuasion. To make the proposal successful, the writer must be prepared for and consider all directions of questions, concerns and rebuttals that could be thrown at their idea.

What Made it Stick? By writing my personal new program proposal, I was able to replicate the creative thinking and extensive research process that goes into a formal internal report. I went through the trials and tribulations of writing drafts, revising and then editing again to improve my clarity and professional tone. I also spent a decent amount of time outlining my approach and viewing my proposal from every possible audience. I had to play the role of “fortune teller” to have relevant questions already addressed in the proposal.

Why Does it Matter? Proposals are an extremely important component in the business world. In order to grow in a competitive industry, changes will be inevitable. With proposals, individuals can effectively and professionally present their fresh ideas to higher authorities. Essentially, proposals can be considered as the lowest but most important building blocks needed to expand a company into new avenues.

Applications to My Future In the family business, I am seen as the “light of change” in a company that has been operating for 40 years. Being the youngest employee and the only one receiving a college education, it is expected that I will bring many fresh ideas to the table. The only way our business will flourish and reign above competitors, is if we accept change. However, presenting new ideas to the “elders” of the business (my father and two uncles) has provided a challenge. The three of them are traditional and set in their ways, as they have been for decades. With my new knowledge of proposals, I can present changes in a positive and clear manner, that will answer each of their questions before they can even ask them. I can provide budgets, benefits, revenues, timelines and so forth. I will grow as a leader and business woman as I prepare these proposals because of the time and research put in, as well as my authority as a contributing owner.