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Scholarship Workshop How to find FREE money for my post high school training?

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Presentation on theme: "Scholarship Workshop How to find FREE money for my post high school training?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scholarship Workshop How to find FREE money for my post high school training?

2 Agenda  What are scholarships?  How do I find scholarships?  What is the process for applying?  Do not assume that you cannot afford college!!!!

3 What are scholarships?  Scholarships are FREE money for you to go to college or some kind of training after high school  There are THOUSANDS of scholarships available.  Earning scholarships requires a lot of hard work, but it can pay off in the end, if you get enough scholarships, you can even be paid to attend college!!  The more scholarships you apply for, the more likely you are to earn one (duh!)  Scholarships are competitive!

4 What scholarships are NOT:  Scholarships are not financial aid (obtained through the FAFSA).  EVERYONE should apply for financial aid through the FAFSA  Some scholarships require this as well as many colleges  Scholarships are not loans.  You don’t have to pay them back.  Scholarships are not easy to earn (usually).

5 How do I find scholarships?  You must take the initiative to search for scholarships.  You have started by attending this workshop. Good for you! BUT this will require a lot more work on your part!!  If finding money for college is important to you set aside TIME each week to search and work on scholarships.  This is up to YOU, not you parents; however, if they are willing to help, ACCEPT IT!!!  This is up to YOU, not you parents; however, if they are willing to help, ACCEPT IT!!!

6 How do I find scholarships?  1) Find scholarship websites.  Begin researching scholarship requirements and save a file of scholarships which you may qualify (see website handout)  Check list @ CCC and SRHS website  2) Ask organizations/clubs to which you belong if there are scholarships available.  3) Ask your employer or your parents’ employer for scholarships.

7 How to find scholarships (cont.)  4) When you apply to a specific college, be sure to familiarize yourself with their specific scholarship process.  This is usually the biggest source of scholarship money.  Some scholarships are automatically given based on GPA and test scores, while others will require an application.  If you are awarded a scholarship from a specific college, you are not required to attend and accept the scholarship; however, you ONLY receive that scholarship if you choose to attend.  Private colleges tend to offer more scholarships because of private funding (endowments) 5) Oregon Student Assistant Commission program (see website handout) 6) Western Undergraduate Exchange Program

8 What is the process for applying for scholarships?  Start Early!!  Refer to your saved file on scholarships and EVEN if it is too early to apply, become familiar with the requirements including the essay (if required) and/or letters of recommendations.  Gather all application materials early  Build or re-write an academic resume.  Find teachers, coaches, and/or community members willing to write you letters of recommendation.

9 Talent Scholarships  Extremely competitive!!!  Put together a talent resume.  If visual art, put together a portfolio.  Usually require an audition or recording.

10 What is the process for applying for scholarships? (cont.)  Time spent on scholarships will increase as deadlines draw near (Spring of Senior year).  Keep an organized calendar of due dates and materials needed.  It is vital to meet all application deadlines. Applications received after the deadline will NOT be considered.  Spend adequate time necessary to edit your application and materials.  Watch for spelling and punctuation on application.  Spend the necessary to time to write a great essay and have others edit. (See next slide)  Don’t by shy to sing your praises!  Don’t just list awards and activities, be descriptive, if possible, about what you gained from activities.  Include relevant, pertinent activities and awards that align with your academic and career goals.

11 The Dreaded Essay  Scholarships that require an essay are sometimes dismissed by students who don’t want to spend the time or feel confident in their writing abilities.  Before you begin the essay, remember the purpose.  Be persuasive in showing the committee you deserve the award. Remember your audience.  Be sure you understand the topic and answer the question.  DO NOT simply list awards and activities; you can’t include everything, so be selective.  Choose information and ideas which are not reflected in other parts of your application.  Be CREATIVE!  Capture your audience’s attention!

12 Essay (cont.)  Editing:  Spelling and grammar are crucial.  Is it concise and clear?  Is it honest?  Is it memorable?  Be sure to have at least one other person whose writing abilities you respect edit your draft.

13 Be sure to give thanks!  If you receive a scholarship, wonderful! Be sure to thank the selection committee with a note.  Be sure to thank those who wrote letters of recommendation or provided materials for your application.

14 Final Thoughts  There are THOUSANDS of scholarships available and YES you can receive one or more, but it takes a lot of TIME and hard work on YOUR part!!!!  Questions?

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