课件制作人:张国利 英语看图说话 写作训练 写作训练. 步骤 : 1 审题 : 把握题目要求,认真审图,思考拟题者绘此图的 主题和重心 主题和重心 2 要点 : 根据图中主要内容和要点,使用自己熟悉的短语 或句型列出要点 或句型列出要点 3 使用合适的承上启下的衔接词或过渡句连句成篇,可 以使用定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句、强调句型.


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Presentation transcript:

课件制作人:张国利 英语看图说话 写作训练 写作训练

步骤 : 1 审题 : 把握题目要求,认真审图,思考拟题者绘此图的 主题和重心 主题和重心 2 要点 : 根据图中主要内容和要点,使用自己熟悉的短语 或句型列出要点 或句型列出要点 3 使用合适的承上启下的衔接词或过渡句连句成篇,可 以使用定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句、强调句型 以使用定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句、强调句型 或倒装等增加文章的亮点 或倒装等增加文章的亮点 4 成稿 : 认真誊写清楚作文的成稿

一、请仔细观察下面这幅图画,根据要求用英语写一篇文章 注意 :1. 简要叙述漫画内容,结合实际生活,写出自己的 感想 注意 :1. 简要叙述漫画内容,结合实际生活,写出自己的 感想 2. 题目自拟 2. 题目自拟 3. 词数: 词数: 参考词汇:斧头 axe; 锯 saw 4. 参考词汇:斧头 axe; 锯 saw

审题 审题 : 1. 写作要求: ( 作文包括 ) (1) 题目 (2) 漫画内容 (3) 结合生活实际谈自己的感受

2. 写作步骤: (1)Sandstorm blows two men into the sky, one man with an axe in his hand and the other man with a saw in hishand (2) There are no trees left (3) The development of the city takes up more and more space (3) The development of the city takes up more and more space (4) Farmers raise sheep, destroying the grassland (5) We should take measures to protect our environment, stop people from cutting down trees at will stop people from cutting down trees at will

参考范文: Who on earth kills who Who on earth kills who What a terrible sight! A big and strong sandstorm which looks very frightening is blowing two men to the sky. The two men, one with an axe and the other with a saw in their hands, are very scared. What’s worse, the sandstorm is blowing its weapon, the sand, into the city. So it can be imagined that the city will soon be the victim of the sandstorm. What a terrible sight! A big and strong sandstorm which looks very frightening is blowing two men to the sky. The two men, one with an axe and the other with a saw in their hands, are very scared. What’s worse, the sandstorm is blowing its weapon, the sand, into the city. So it can be imagined that the city will soon be the victim of the sandstorm. Although it looks a bit funny, it is really true in our life and on the earth. With the rapid development of our society, many building are being built and a lot of wood is in great need. As a result, more and more trees are being cut down and there are no trees left. Meanwhile, much grassland has been destroyed in order to raise more sheep.Therefore, it’s time that man took measures to stop people cutting down trees at will to protect our environment and the earth. Furthermore, we should make a plan to plant more trees Otherwise, we’ll be really killed. Although it looks a bit funny, it is really true in our life and on the earth. With the rapid development of our society, many building are being built and a lot of wood is in great need. As a result, more and more trees are being cut down and there are no trees left. Meanwhile, much grassland has been destroyed in order to raise more sheep.Therefore, it’s time that man took measures to stop people cutting down trees at will to protect our environment and the earth. Furthermore, we should make a plan to plant more trees Otherwise, we’ll be really killed.

二、请仔细观察下面这幅图,根据这幅图所反映的信息, 结合自己的生活实际,用英语写一篇短文。 注意: 1. 描述图画的内容,要有自己的感想。 2. 题目自拟。 2. 题目自拟。 3. 词数: 词数:

审题 : 1. 写作要求 ( 作文包括 ) (1) 题目 (2) 图画内容 (3) 结合实际谈感想

2. 写作步骤: (1)Some people are addicted to the Internet, playing computer games and chatting. They put their hearts and soul into the magic world (2) Some are trying their best to break away from the big Net It is clear that they suffer a lot from the Internet It is clear that they suffer a lot from the Internet (3) Internet is a part of our daily life. We should make use of the Internet properly. On one hand …… On the other hand …… Internet properly. On one hand …… On the other hand ……

参考范文: Faced with the Internet, what should we do? Faced with the Internet, what should we do? Faced with the Internet, which is more and more connected with our daily life, what should we do? Faced with the Internet, which is more and more connected with our daily life, what should we do? Just look at the picture, some people are addicted to the Internet. They put their hearts and soul into the magic world that the Internet offers, chatting and playing computer games. However, there are of course many people who are trying their best to break away from the control of the big Net. It is very clear that these people have suffered a lot from the Internet. Just look at the picture, some people are addicted to the Internet. They put their hearts and soul into the magic world that the Internet offers, chatting and playing computer games. However, there are of course many people who are trying their best to break away from the control of the big Net. It is very clear that these people have suffered a lot from the Internet. Since the Internet is an inseparable part of our daily life, we should make use of it properly. On one hand, we can use the Internet to improve our study, enrich our knowledge, broaden our view. On the other hand, the Internet may take up a lot of our time, so our study or work may be affected. Maybe some people will use it to cheat you and even make you get into crime. Therefore, we must be careful when using the Internet. Since the Internet is an inseparable part of our daily life, we should make use of it properly. On one hand, we can use the Internet to improve our study, enrich our knowledge, broaden our view. On the other hand, the Internet may take up a lot of our time, so our study or work may be affected. Maybe some people will use it to cheat you and even make you get into crime. Therefore, we must be careful when using the Internet.

三、请仔细观察下面这幅图画,根据要求用英语写一篇文章 注意: 1. 简要描述图片,并谈 注意: 1. 简要描述图片,并谈 你对学生在业余时间参 你对学生在业余时间参 加过多 的补习和培训 加过多 的补习和培训 的看法 的看法 2. 题目自拟 2. 题目自拟 3. 字数: 字数:

审题 : 1. 写作要求 ( 作文内容 ) (1) 题目 (2) 图片内容 (3) 你的看法

2. 写作步骤: (1)Students have more and more homework to do homework to do (2) They attend many after-school classes to study English, maths classes to study English, maths computer, piano, etc. computer, piano, etc. (3) They have no time to play ping- pang or basketball etc ping- pang or basketball etc (4) They need time to relax, to play and to develop themselves and to develop themselves (5) “ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ” Jack a dull boy ” (6) A healthy and strong body is helpful to their study helpful to their study

参考范文: We Want to Have Our Own Time We Want to Have Our Own Time As we all know, students today have more and more homework to do. They also attend many after-school classes to study English, maths, computer, piano etc. Then, they have no time to take part in their favorite sports. In my opinion, students should have some time to develop themselves. As we all know, students today have more and more homework to do. They also attend many after-school classes to study English, maths, computer, piano etc. Then, they have no time to take part in their favorite sports. In my opinion, students should have some time to develop themselves. First, students should have some time to relax and to play. This doesn't mean that we will waste time. We can also study and learn from the play. After doing the homework for a long time, it is necessary to have some time to relax. As a saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. First, students should have some time to relax and to play. This doesn't mean that we will waste time. We can also study and learn from the play. After doing the homework for a long time, it is necessary to have some time to relax. As a saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Second, we can take part in some sports to make our body strong and healthy, which will be helpful to our study. Second, we can take part in some sports to make our body strong and healthy, which will be helpful to our study. After all, we should develop ourselves in an all-round way After all, we should develop ourselves in an all-round way