 Starter – On handout, jot down everything you know the relates to the topics listed.  Extension – Sanctity of Life reminder.  Homework – Research current.


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Presentation transcript:

 Starter – On handout, jot down everything you know the relates to the topics listed.  Extension – Sanctity of Life reminder.  Homework – Research current affairs regarding IVF.  Learning Objectives:-  To understand the nature of medical ethics in terms of both beginning life and maintaining life.  To consider the meaning and effectiveness of IVF AID/H and surrogacy in fertility treatments.  To encounter and reflect on some of the key moral issues surrounding some of these topics.

 Topic split into two parts. We will start with fertility treatments.

 AID: ◦ Artificial insemination by donor. (Mother’s egg sperm donated) Only one biological parent in the family raising the child.  AIH: ◦ Artificial insemination by husband. Husbands sperm fertilisation is assisted.  IVF: ◦ In vitro fertilisation. Sperm & Egg from parents. Fertilisation takes place in a test tube. In vitro means ‘in glass’. ◦ 1 in 80 births. ◦ Roughly 25% success rate.

 One in six couples in Britain suffer from infertility.  27,000 couples receive treatment each year.  There is a one in six chance of treatment resulting in pregnancy.  Each attempt costs approx £3000.

 For each question, reflect and write down what you think. When the timer changes, discuss your opinions in pairs or groups ahead of whole class feedback.  1) Who should be helped? Married, co- habiting couples, single people, same sex partnerships.

 2) Who should pick up the bill?  3) Who owns the frozen embryos (what if the parents split up?)  4) If not two biological parents should the offspring have the right to know name of donor?

 Complete the sentence “This lesson I have learnt...”