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Options for Infertile Couples. Adoption Legally takes on all responsibilities and rights for raising, loving, and caring for a child in need of a permanent.

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Presentation on theme: "Options for Infertile Couples. Adoption Legally takes on all responsibilities and rights for raising, loving, and caring for a child in need of a permanent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Options for Infertile Couples

2 Adoption Legally takes on all responsibilities and rights for raising, loving, and caring for a child in need of a permanent home.

3 Artificial Insemination Doctor injects sperm into a woman’s uterus. Timed to take place when a woman’s ovary releases an ovum (egg). Often sperm is from woman’s husband, but can be received from a donor.

4 In Vitro Fertilization/Ovum Transfer This process is used to treat many causes of infertility, such as when a woman has damaged fallopian tubes. Doctor combines a mature ovum from the woman with sperm from her husband. If the ovum becomes fertilized, the doctor places it in the woman’s uterus. Pregnancy occurs if the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus. Ovum transfer is similar to in vitro fertilization, except an ovum has been donated by another woman.

5 Surrogate Mother A surrogate is a substitute. A surrogate mother is a woman who becomes pregnant to have a baby for another woman. This option requires legal arrangements to be made for everyone involved. Each state has laws regarding surrogate motherhood.

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