Unit 2 The language of Literature 课堂组织形式 : 面授 小组讨论 课堂使用资源 : 《文学英语赏析》教材 教学内容:文学语言 时间安排: 3 课时.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 The language of Literature 课堂组织形式 : 面授 小组讨论 课堂使用资源 : 《文学英语赏析》教材 教学内容:文学语言 时间安排: 3 课时

1. 结合辅导第二单元学习的 IP 课件,介绍明喻、暗 喻、拟人、重复、平行结构(排比)、反语、一 语双关等修辞格 2. 组织小组讨论 讨论题目:诗歌 “ The Sea ” 中,作者使用 讨论题目:诗歌 “ The Sea ” 中,作者使用 的不同修辞手法 的不同修辞手法 3. 布置作业:运用简单的修辞手法,自己写篇诗歌 上次课复习 : 日常生活中的文学 本次课新授内容 : 文学语言中的修辞格

1. master the major devices, such as metaphor, simile,personification 2.be sensitive to the importance of word choice and syntactic structure. 3. learn how speech is realised in writing 本单元学习目标

Section 1 Comparing Things I. Simile (明喻) : one thing is compared with another,usually using the word like, as, as...as For example: as brave as a lion as talkative as rain as stubborn as a mule Don’t stand there like a tin of milk.

Task 1 (学生以小组为单位做练习) Try to invent as...as comparison by using the list of adjectives below: cunning, green, bright, thirsty, soft, proud

Task 2 ( 每个学习小组出一篇作品 ) Write a simple simile poem list A: love, friendship, my father, my sister, women list B: the sea, the stone, weather of July, angel, apple...

自己作品供学生参考: Youth is like may flower More charming and delicate in shower ; Youth is like eagle hovers it proudly though single; Youth is like fire Kindled is the passion for ever.

II.Metaphor (暗喻) : It refers to a creation when we make a direct comparison between one idea(love) and another, unrelated idea( red rose). For example: Happiness is flower( X is Y) a stormy night (adj) acid comments His voice thundered out across the room(verb) They were prodded into action

That time of year thou may‘st in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang. 那样的时令你可在我身上看到: 几片黄叶挂在枝头随风飘荡, 或枝头空空,只有寒风呼啸, 歌坛败落,不再有鸟儿歌唱。 Functions ~To reveal aspects of experience in a new light. ~To reinforce a message. Shakespeare. Sonnet 73

Section 2 Some Other Figures of Speech and Literary Devices Alliteration (头韵) : the same consonant sound is repeated in words either next to or close to each other. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers (tongue- twister)

Assonance (类韵) It refers to the repitition of similar vowel sounds close to each other. Go not go gentle into that good night Old age should burn and rave at close of day, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 老年应该在日暮时情绪热烈; 愤怒,愤怒地抗拒阳光的泯灭。

Personification (拟人) It occurs when a non-animate object is given animate characteristics. The breeze is fondling our face. The river sings a beautiful song. The leaves was trembling in the wind, crying for salvation.

Repetition (重复) It can be found at all levels. sounds: alliteration, assonance, rhyme. words: Eagle! Eagle! The most noble king in the sky! Parallelism of structure: Their’s not to make reply Their’s but to do and die

Pun (双关语) A play on the ambiguity of meaning of a word or words. Make your every hello a real good-buy. 让你的每一声 " 哈罗 " 都真的物有所值。

Parallelism (平行) : It refers to an identical structure repeated one or more times. the sound of the words: I kissedher/ ’ Ere I killed her the rhythm sentence structure: Monday for wealth Tuseday for health

Irony and Sarcasm Irony: it occurs when a person’s words do not match their intention. Sarcasm: it aims to hurt or humiliate the receiver; irony is no more than an amused comment.

For example : A poor man wins a lottery, but on his way to collect the prize money, he is run over by a bus ( Irony ). You are so beautiful today that you must win the first place in the worldwide beauty competition ( Sarcasm ).

The Sea( 大海) The sea is a hungry dog, Giant and grey, He rolls on the beach all day. With his clashing teeth and shaggy jaws Hour upon hour he gnaws The rumbling, tumbling stones, And 'Bones, bones, bones!' The giant sea-dog moans, Licking his greasy paws. And when the night wind roars And the moon rocks in the stormy cloud, He bounds to his feet and snuffs and sniffs, Shaking his wet sides over the cliffs, And howls and hollos long and loud. But on quiet days in May or June, When even the grasses on the dune Play no more their reedy tune, With his head between his paws He lies on the sandy shores, So quiet, so quiet, he scarcely snores (见课本第 18 页)

Section 3 Section 3 1. 小组讨论 1. 小组讨论 讨论题目:诗歌 “ The Sea ” 中,作者使用 讨论题目:诗歌 “ The Sea ” 中,作者使用 的不同修辞手法 的不同修辞手法 每个小组派一名代表发表自己的讨论结果,指导教 每个小组派一名代表发表自己的讨论结果,指导教 师根据学员的发言做出相应的点评。 师根据学员的发言做出相应的点评。 2. 布置作业:运用简单的修辞手法,自己写篇诗歌 2. 布置作业:运用简单的修辞手法,自己写篇诗歌

Many Thanks!