Verbs 2 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ May 17, 2011. Let’s begin with Q-and-A What time did you go to bed last night? How long did you sleep? What time did.


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Presentation transcript:

Verbs 2 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ May 17, 2011

Let’s begin with Q-and-A What time did you go to bed last night? How long did you sleep? What time did you get up? What did you eat for breakfast? What time did you leave home? How did you come to school?

Example answers I went to bed at eleven. I slept for five hours. I got up at seven. I ate a slice of bread and vegetable salad. I left home at eight. I came here by train.

Several classifications be verbs vs. other verbs transitive verbs vs. intransitive verbs complete verbs vs. incomplete verbs regular verbs vs. irregular verbs state verbs vs. dynamic verbs

Classification of verbs 1 be verbs vs. other verbs Be 動詞と一般動詞 I am a student. You are hungry, aren’t you? I usually get up early in the morning. You have a good dictionary.

Classification of verbs 2 transitive verbs vs. intransitive verbs 他動詞 … 目的語をとる 自動詞 … 目的語をとらない I live in Osaka. We stayed at home yesterday. I like apples. That boy broke the window.

Classification of verbs 3 complete verbs vs. incomplete verbs 完全動詞 … 補語を必要としない 不完全動詞 … 補語を必要とする I took my daughter to the museum. What did you do yesterday? We call the cat Mimi. We should keep our classroom clean.

Classification of verbs 4 regular verbs vs. irregular verbs 規則変化動詞と不規則変化動詞 He opened the window. He stopped smoking. I waited for an hour. It began to rain. She wore a beautiful uniform.

Classification of verbs 4 state verbs vs. dynamic verbs 状態動詞と動作動詞 She loves Japanese literature. He closely resembles his father. Tom speaks Chinese very fluently The river runs through the city.

Exercise 2 (pp.15-16) (1) 私は手にペンを一本持っている [I, hand, in, pen, a, have, my] ⇒ I have a pen in my hand. (2) (あなたは)ひどい風邪をひいてい ますね。 [you, bad, cold, have, a] ⇒ You have a bad cold.

(3) オレンジジュースはありますか? [orange juice, have, you, do]? ⇒ Do you have orange juice? (4) 100 年前にコンピュータはなかった。 [one hundred yeas ago, computers, had, no, we] ⇒ We had no computers one hundred years ago.

(5) 私には本を読むだけの時間がない。 [I, books, read, enough, time, don’t, have, to] ⇒ I don’t have enough time to read books. (6) 君は去年 15 歳だったね。 [you, last year, fifteen years old, were] ⇒ You were fifteen years old last year.

(7) 彼は昨日学校を欠席していた。 [he, yesterday, school, absent, from, was] ⇒ He was absent from school yesterday.

Exercise 2 (pp.16-17) (1) Babies drink ( ). ⇒ milk (2) The players are throwing ( ) in the ground. ⇒ balls (3) The leaves fall ( ) in autumn. ⇒ ×

(4) Santa Claus is believed to give ( ) to children. ⇒ presents (5) You must drive your ( ) carefully. ⇒ car (6) The athletes ran ( ) toward the goal. ⇒ ×

(7) The suspect didn’t say ( ) at the trial. ⇒ anything (8) Shall we discuss ( ) at the meeting? ⇒ the matter

Regular verbs walk agree cry drop prefer visit picnic end rub jump employ mimic dye

Regular verbs (Answers) walk ⇒ walked agree ⇒ agreed cry ⇒ cried drop ⇒ dropped prefer ⇒ preferred visit ⇒ visited picnic ⇒ picnicked end ⇒ ended rub ⇒ rubbed jump ⇒ jumped employ ⇒ employed mimic ⇒ mimicked dye ⇒ dyed

Pronunciation of -ed ngenglish/radio/specials/1413_gramchall enge26/ QUIZ 1 Which group does each verb fall into - / t /, / d / or / Id / ? QUIZ 2 For each of the six questions click on the button to hear the sentence then choose whether the pronunciation of the 'ed' ending is correct.

Irregular verbs bin/fukisoku/tqindex.cgi


See you on Friday!