Enhancing Learning: The Aberdeen Approach The Final Report of the Curriculum Commission Bryan MacGregor.


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Presentation transcript:

Enhancing Learning: The Aberdeen Approach The Final Report of the Curriculum Commission Bryan MacGregor

1. Introduction Reviewing the curriculum is a responsibility of any group of scholars. In an increasingly competitive national and international environment, need to review, to maintain strengths and strive for excellence. The primary objectives of Curriculum Reform are: to make our approach distinctive within the UK and aligned with developments in some of the worlds leading universities; to enhance the Aberdeen learning experience; to enhance disciplinary study; and to produce better informed, more rounded and more intellectually flexible graduates. In doing so, our programmes will be: more attractive to students; more relevant to employers; and more relevant to wider societal needs.

2. Meetings and reports First meeting of the Commission – November 2007 Commission has met 29 times; Steering Group 27 times First Report - February 2008 Second Report - July 2008 Draft Final Report - September 2008 Final Report – October 2008

3. Evidence base The evidence base for the proposals was: A desk study of the strategic context; External consultations with a wide range of interest groups; Internal consultations and feedback on the reports; Market research on the views of applicants, parents and employers; A survey of guidance teachers; Two surveys of students opinions, undertaken by the Students Association; Discussions with the Business Committee of the General Council; and Reports from three sub-groups of the Commission.

4. Graduate Attributes Academically excellent In-depth discipline knowledge Breadth of knowledge Contextual Understanding Critical thinkers and effective communicators Synthesis and analysis Informed argument and reasoning Diverse set of transferable and generic skills Open to learning and personal development Openness to, and interest in, lifelong learning Self reflection Active citizens Appreciation of ethical and moral issues Appreciation of social and cultural diversity Appreciation of enterprise and leadership

5. Framework A five year framework which incorporates: A traditional four year Scottish honours degree; An advanced entry, three year honours degree for applicants with appropriate subjects and grades in Advanced Highers, A-levels or a new University advanced entry examination; A three year degree, which would be an enhancement of the old ordinary A one year taught postgraduate masters level programme, which would develop core discipline material; A five year integrated undergraduate programme where required for professional accreditation, such as the MEng and MChem; Two further exit qualifications – a certificate after one year and a diploma after two years – in recognition of successful study; and Flexible entry to and exit from any year of the five, depending on prior qualifications, in order to accommodate breaks in study.

6. Enhanced Study An understanding and appreciation of other areas of intellectual endeavour that contrast with and complement the primary discipline. Better informed, more rounded and more intellectually flexible graduates. Three components from which a student would choose enhanced study: 1.A series of University-wide Sixth Century Courses (6CCs), designed to consider and contrast different approaches to knowledge and different methods of enquiry; 2.A small number of Sustained Study Programmes (SSPs) – similar to the with component of some existing degrees; and 3.A selection of Disciplinary Breadth Courses (DBCs), proposed from the Catalogue of Courses by each Degree Programme Team to ensure that the objectives of Enhanced Study are fulfilled. A minimum requirement for Enhanced Study of 1 out of 4 courses each semester at levels 1 and 2, and one each year at levels 3 and 4. A University-wide move to four 15 credit courses per semester.

7. Supporting the curriculum Scholarships, in part to improve accessibility; Enhanced engagement with secondary schools and colleges, enhanced induction and an enhanced system for student support; A statement of Rights and Responsibilities; Flexible learning and teaching facilities; Student skills assessment; support for writing and numeracy skills; Assessment and Information Technology (IT) strategies; Communication of best practice; A review of the timetable to consider consecutive teaching periods and more accessible provision; Promotion of a co-curriculum; enhanced engagement with employers; University-wide lectures; and Enhanced Graduate Transcript.

8. Implementation An Implementation Board to oversee, monitor and review implementation. Resources Group to identify resources requirements. Changes to administrative structures and capital investments – from September Changes to curriculum content and regulations - from September Full implementation would last for six years. Importance of communication and marketing.

Enhancing Learning: The Aberdeen Approach The Final Report of the Curriculum Commission Bryan MacGregor