What makes a story “good?”


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Presentation transcript:

What makes a story “good?” “Duffy’s Jacket”

Before we read… You are going to read a brief story, titled “Duffy’s Jacket” You will be answering some questions that allow you to evaluate the story when you are finished reading. Take a moment to preview the story.

During reading Post reading question: Do you think the author created a good story for his readers? Explain why or why not. Be sure to include specific examples from the text. This can be a bulleted list for your purposes today!

Share with a partner Compare and contrast with your assigned partner. Did you come up with similar examples? Consider why or why not. Compare and contrast with another partner. Again, did you come up with similar examples? Consider why or why not. Finally, compare and contrast one last time.

Hmmm…what now? As a class, we are going to brainstorm the different qualities/criteria that you came up with to see if we can narrow down the list.

Our class’ criteria Suspense/mystery Descriptive details Clear, defined setting Clear conflict (known antagonist & protagonist) Multiple rising actions leading to a climax Logical sequence of events/well thought out plot Character development Pacing of events

Assignment Now that we have brainstormed, you are going to answer the original prompt again, only this time you are going to factor in the new criteria as part of your response. Please write the following in paragraph form: Based on the criteria that we brainstormed and discussed as a class, did the author create a “good” story for his readers? Explain why or why not. Be sure to include specific examples from the text.