1 Inclusive Classrooms and Quality Rating Improvement System 391 Grant Funding April 2, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive Classrooms and Quality Rating Improvement System 391 Grant Funding April 2, 2012

2 Purpose of Funding Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments funds are state funds (formerly known as Chapter 188/Phase I of CPC) designed to support inclusive preschool learning environments for preschool children with disabilities. All applicants must meet the standards/definition of Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments set forth below.

The Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments serves preschoolers with disabilities in inclusive settings with their typically developing peers. Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments must meet the following standards/definitions: Services may be provided in public schools, Head Start programs, and/or EEC licensed child care programs. Class size may not exceed 20 children with one teacher and one aide when the classroom has up to five children with disabilities.* Alternatively, class size may not exceed 15 children with one teacher and one aide when the classroom has six or seven children with disabilities.* In order for a classroom to be considered an inclusive learning environment, at least 15% of the children enrolled in it must have a documented disability. Classrooms where children with documented special needs and/or disabilities comprise over 50% of the classroom enrollment do not qualify for these grant funds as they are considered substantially separate learning environments. * Disability must be documented, and the children must have IEPs. 3

In FY12 95 grantees received $9M in IE state funds to support direct service activities. Renewal grants totally $9,019,276 are available to 97 public schools districts and lead agencies to support opportunities for preschoolers with disabilities in inclusive settings with children without disabilities. Funds support direct services and are typically used for educator salaries and children's transportation. 4 Inclusive Preschool Learning Environments (Fund Code 391)

Children supported and QRIS participation FY 11 Funding Supported 6002 children, 2209 with disabilities. FY programs self-reported they were engaged in QRIS. FY12 Funding Supported 5512 children, 3323 with disabilities. FY12 15 programs have QRIS applications submitted to final. 9 of these are public school programs. 5

Quality Rating and Improvement System Group and Center Based Standards For use by center-based and school-based programs, including non-licensable and license-exempt center-based programs (i.e. public school preschools, Montessori schools, or faith-based affiliated programs serving infants, toddlers, preschool-age children). Standard 1: Curriculum and Learning Standard 2: Safe, Healthy Indoor and Outdoor Environments Standard 3: Workforce Qualifications and Professional Development Standard 4: family and Community Engagement Standard 5: Leadership, Management and Administration 6

Considerations Of the 97 grants issued, public school district received 67 of these grants. Level 1 Requirements Meets licensing requirements or licensed exempted Level 2 Requirements Educators demonstrate completion of professional development in curriculum, screening tools and formative assessment. (KEA) Environment Rating Scales (public pre-school environments.) All staff receive orientation and ongoing professional development and supervision in how to support positive relationships and interactions through positive, warn and nurturing interactions. (CLASS Training) Annual consultation by Health Care Consultant Demonstrate healthy, safe and clean indoor and out door environments 7

Considerations Continued Administrator has CDA plus training in adult supervision, MA ELGs, Strengthening Families, and MA core competencies All staff min high school plus all educators min 3 credits in ECE 50% of classrooms have educator with BA or higher All staff have IPDP Level 2: Programs Offer opportunities for parents to meet with classroom staff, at least monthly. Program has developed informational materials on the program that are in languages of the community, are available for staff to use in the community and are given to prospective families. Programs participate in community events. Program maintains ongoing communication with the school/early intervention program, CFCE program, mental health providers to facilitate collaboration and coordination of service that support children and families. (Community of Practice Meetings and Special Education Professional Development Opportunities. 8

Considerations Continued Program has a written business plan Communication and updates on the program are provided. Program has an admissions policy that promotes enrollment of children with diverse cultures and languages, and disabilities. Staff are paid for planning time. Program has policies that support teacher retention. 9

FY Entitlement Grant Proposal Inclusive Classrooms Condition of Funding Grant period July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2012 As part of FY grant funding eligibility, programs will participating in QRIS. Grant funded programs should be participating in QRIS at a level 2 by October 1,