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EEC Annual Legislative Report January 2011. Context Legislative language that requires EEC to submit an annual report on Universal Pre- Kindergarten (UPK)

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Presentation on theme: "EEC Annual Legislative Report January 2011. Context Legislative language that requires EEC to submit an annual report on Universal Pre- Kindergarten (UPK)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EEC Annual Legislative Report January 2011

2 Context Legislative language that requires EEC to submit an annual report on Universal Pre- Kindergarten (UPK) and Mental Health initiatives, and Workforce Development System annual update Report seeks to provide an update on EECs 5- year Strategic Plan Report will be framed by the Boards Strategic Directions and Indicators of Success. Accomplishments of this past year and activities planned will be reported within the framework of EECs 5 Strategic Directions.

3 3 What EEC Must Report (at a Minimum) Progress in achieving goals and implementing programs authorized under M.G.L. c. 15D; Progress made towards universal early education and care for pre-school aged children; Progress made toward reducing expulsion rates through developmentally appropriate prevention and intervention services; Behavioral health indicators; Rules and regulations promulgated by the Board related to civil fines and sanctions, including the types of sanctions and the amount of the fines; and Findings and recommendations related to the study on the programmatic financing and phase-in options for the development and implementation of the Massachusetts universal pre- kindergarten program.

4 4 EEC System Components Standards, Assessment and Accountability Informed Families and Public Early Ed & Care and K- 12 Linkages Workforce & Professional Development RegulationsGovernanceFinance EEC Strategic Directions Quality Family Support, Access, and Affordability Workforce Communications Infrastructure EEC System Components and Strategic Directions: Legislative Report

5 Outline of Report IntroductionFY11 Context Indicators of Success Strategic Directions Accomplished this year Plan to do next year Strategic Direction: Quality Accomplished this year Plan to do next year Strategic Direction: Workforce Accomplished this year Plan to do next year Strategic Direction: Family Accomplished this year Plan to do next year Strategic Direction: Communications Accomplished this year Plan to do next year Strategic Direction: Infrastructure Appendices 5

6 FY2010 Context will include: ARRA EEC Board Members and Changes Departure of Julie P. Culhane & Orlando Isaza Election of Chi-Cheng Huang as Vice Chair Appointment of Eleanora Villegas-Reimers & Joan Wasser Gish Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions and Accomplishments Budget Reductions in FY10 FY12 Budget Recommendations EEC Board Retreat Education Commissioners Retreat 6

7 Example: Strategic Direction: Quality Indicators of Success: PROGRAMS SEEKING TO IMPROVE THEIR QUALITY HAVE ACCESS TO A RANGE OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTS. Accomplished this year: Professional Development Programs, including Educator and Provider Support Procurement, Institutions of Higher Education Mapping Project, Early Educator Scholarship, Professional Qualifications Registry Assessment Activities, including FY10 Assessment Grant, Assessment track at 2010 All Together Now Conference Supporting Physical Environments for programs serving Infants and Toddlers (training and grants) Early Literacy initiatives, including PCHP grant, Joint ESE/EEC Literacy Conference, All Together Now Conference, Birth-8 Leadership Institute, QRIS, OST Literacy and Learning Promotion Initiative, CFCE grant, Mass211 Indicators of Success: PROGRAMS SEEKING TO IMPROVE THEIR QUALITY HAVE ACCESS TO A RANGE OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTS. Accomplished this year: Professional Development Programs, including Educator and Provider Support Procurement, Institutions of Higher Education Mapping Project, Early Educator Scholarship, Professional Qualifications Registry Assessment Activities, including FY10 Assessment Grant, Assessment track at 2010 All Together Now Conference Supporting Physical Environments for programs serving Infants and Toddlers (training and grants) Early Literacy initiatives, including PCHP grant, Joint ESE/EEC Literacy Conference, All Together Now Conference, Birth-8 Leadership Institute, QRIS, OST Literacy and Learning Promotion Initiative, CFCE grant, Mass211 7

8 Indicators of Success: PROGRAMS SEEKING TO IMPROVE THEIR QUALITY HAVE ACCESS TO A RANGE OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTS. Planned for next year: Professional Development Programs, including refinement of Educator and Provider Support Grants, Institutions of Higher Education Mapping Project second phase, Professional Qualifications Registry EEC will continue to work with the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) to coordinate the ECE Scholarship program Development of a more user friendly version of the Professional Qualifications Registry Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences credit course Literacy Development Course Birth to 8 FY11 Assessment Grant Full details will be written about each accomplishment and planned activity in the report. Indicators of Success: PROGRAMS SEEKING TO IMPROVE THEIR QUALITY HAVE ACCESS TO A RANGE OF RESOURCES AND SUPPORTS. Planned for next year: Professional Development Programs, including refinement of Educator and Provider Support Grants, Institutions of Higher Education Mapping Project second phase, Professional Qualifications Registry EEC will continue to work with the Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) to coordinate the ECE Scholarship program Development of a more user friendly version of the Professional Qualifications Registry Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences credit course Literacy Development Course Birth to 8 FY11 Assessment Grant Full details will be written about each accomplishment and planned activity in the report. 8 Example: Strategic Direction: Quality

9 Timeline: 2011 January 11: EEC Board Meeting – Discussion January 13: Board Planning and Evaluation Committee Meeting – Discussion February 8: EEC Board Meeting – Vote February 15: Report Due 9

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