About SFLS  One of China's seven earliest foreign language schools in the metropolis.


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Presentation transcript:

About SFLS  One of China's seven earliest foreign language schools in the metropolis.

Founded in 1963, SFLS has cultivated thousands of excellent graduates,





1  Consisting of two parts Department for Chinese students Department for International Students About SFLS 2

拓展课程 模联 数模 根与芽 姐妹校 …… Worldwide cross-cultural foreign language programs.

The 2 most important cultural activities in SFLS  THE INTERNATINAL WEEK THE NATINAL WEEK THE NATINAL WEEK

Colorful extra curriculum Posters in Chinese Chinese calligraphy Chinese cooking

Colorful activities Chinese instrument Student’s investigation Chinese contest

Sister schools Shaker-Heights High School, Cleveland, USA ( 2004 ) Culver Academies, USA ( 2006 ) McMaster University, Ontario, Canada ( 2003 ) St. Aloysius Gongzaga, Canada ( 2004 ) Keilor Downs College, Australia (2000) Glossopdale Community College, UK ( 2000 ) Lycee Edouard-Herriot, France ( 1997 ) Christianeum, Germany ( 1999 ) Obilin High School, Japan ( 1986 ) La Salle College, Kowloon, Hongkong ( 1997 ) ●●●●●●

Sister schools

Teacher exchange program

 first established in 1865  Campus: 223,617 square meter, green area coverage ratio reaches 42%  Students: over 3600, including 2400 international students from more than 60 countries and regions A Brief Introduction of Shanghai High School

Zhongshan School 上海市卢教院附属中山学校毗邻 2010 年世博园区, 是卢湾区规模最大、设施一流的九年一贯制学校。