“All-American Slurp” Vocabulary Acquainted 1. Something that is old; an antique 2. To gain a new possession 3. Known to each other, but not close friends.


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Presentation transcript:

“All-American Slurp” Vocabulary

Acquainted 1. Something that is old; an antique 2. To gain a new possession 3. Known to each other, but not close friends On the first day of school, most teachers become acquainted with their students.

Acquainted Verb 3. Known to one, or each other, but not close friends

Residence 1. an excess of material 2. an advertisement of a sale 3. place where you live You enter his residence from a side door.

Residence Noun 3. place where you live

Buffet 1. meal in which diners serve themselves 2. a type of singer 3. to hit with a large object We helped ourselves to the buffet twice because the food was excellent.

Buffet Noun 1. meal in which diners serve themselves

Relish 1. to exaggerate 2. a mixture of spices, dip, and chopped vegetables, used as a side dish 3. to have an unpleasant experience The relish tray was passed around the table.

Relish Noun, adjective, or verb 2. a mixture of spices, dip, and chopped vegetables, used as a side dish

Inflections 1. change in tense, gender, person, and so on 2. a diseased part of the body 3. the action of kneeling In English class we studied the inflections of various words.

Inflections Noun 1. change in tense, gender, person, and so on

Rummage 1. a type of card game 2. a warm winter drink 3. used clothing and other items on sale They spent an hour at the rummage sale, searching for old records.

Rummage Noun, verb, and adjective 3. used clothing and other items on sale