OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY The Formation of the Old Testament.


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Presentation transcript:

OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY The Formation of the Old Testament

You have 3 minutes – get in groups of 3 and come up with a single, unified answer to this question: How did we get the Old Testament that we have today?

1. Text of the Old Testament 1 st language – Hebrew (primary) The Old Testament was written in two different languages. 2 nd language – Aramaic (secondary)

2. History of the Old Testament a.) Pre 400 BC How did we get the Old Testament? > There are no manuscripts prior to this. > Writing was practiced then. > Deut. 31:9 – God tells Moses to write. > Deut. 31:9 – God tells Moses to write. > Joshua 24:25-26 – God tells Joshua to write. > Joshua 24:25-26 – God tells Joshua to write. > Jeremiah 36 – Jeremiah was told to write. > Jeremiah 36 – Jeremiah was told to write. > Other sources tell us writing happened – the Code of Hamarabi in 1700 BC.

2. History of the Old Testament b.) 400 BC – 100 AD How did we get the Old Testament? ii. The text was standardized. i. The text was clarified. -By 100 AD, there was 1 text used by all traditions.

2. History of the Old Testament c.) 600 AD – 1000 AD How did we get the Old Testament? i. They preserved the text. The Masoretes formed. iI. They added vowels to the Hebrew consanants.

2. History of the Old Testament c.) 1000 AD – Present day How did we get the Old Testament? i. Aleppo (1000 AD) There are 2 major texts today. iI. Leningrad Text (1008 AD) If you buy a Hebrew Bible in stores today, this is what you’re getting.

2. History of the Old Testament Why don’t we have older texts? After the Masoretes copied, they would delete the old copy. Stats they collected help them to know it was accurate so this way okay.

2. History of the Old Testament The Dead Sea Scrolls -Founded in Around 900 documents included. -About 300 of them were from the Hebrew Bible. -Every book of Bible included but Esther. -The whole book of Isaiah is included. -Dates back to second century BC.

3. Structure of the Old Testament Hebrew Bible has 3 main sections. 1.) Torah 2.) Nebiim (Prophets) 3.) Kethibim (Writings) -TaNaK – Hebrews refer to OT this way.

3. Structure of the Old Testament The Torah -First 5 books of the Old Testament. -Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy -Also called Books of the Law & the Pentateuch.

3. Structure of the Old Testament Nebiim (Prophets) -There are 8 prophets in Hebrew Bible. -4 latter prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Book of the Twelve (minor prophets). -4 former prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings.

3. Structure of the Old Testament Kethibim (Writings) -There are 5 books known as Megiloth (scrolls). -They are grouped like this for Jewish festivals. -It’s Ruth, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, and Esther. -Ruth (Pentecost) -Song of Sol. (Passover) -Ecclesiastes (Festival of Tabernacles) -Lamen. (Night of Ab) -Esther (Pure)

3. Structure of the Old Testament Kethibim (Writings) -Also included in this section: -Psalms -Job -Proverbs -Ezra -Nehemiah -Chronicles -Daniel

4. Canon of the Old Testament We have 39 books in our English Old Testament, but in the Hebrew Bible, we see that there are only 24. How did we identify that these books are what make up the one, unified Hebrew Bible?

4. Canon of the Old Testament The word “canon” means “measuring stick.” When did the Old Testament become true, God-inspired Scripture? It became sure through 3 stages.

4. Canon of the Old Testament 1.) The Torah -1 st section to be seen as true Scripture. -Happened around 400 BC. -Ezra played a big part in this.

4. Canon of the Old Testament 2.) Prophets -2 nd section to be seen as true Scripture. -Happened around 200 BC.

4. Canon of the Old Testament 3.) Writings -3 rd section to be seen as true Scripture. -Happened around 100 AD altogether. -Esther, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes took the longest to affirm as true Scripture.

4. Canon of the Old Testament 3 criteria for determining true Scripture 1.) General Usage/Agreement 2.) Authorship 3.) Content

4. Canon of the Old Testament A big issue is the Apocrypha. -It means “hidden.” -15 books between Old and New Testament. -Included in most Catholic Bibles today.

5. Translations of the Old Testament There are two that are significant. 1.) Septuagint // BC -This is a Greek translation from Hebrew. 2.) Aramaic Translation - Targums