January 18, 2011  You are driving down the road, when suddenly a car pulls out in front of you. How does your body respond?


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Presentation transcript:

January 18, 2011  You are driving down the road, when suddenly a car pulls out in front of you. How does your body respond?

Neuroscience, Genetics and Behavior The Biological Basis for Behavior Chapter 3

The Nervous System OOOOur body’s primary information system BBBBrain and spinal cord form the central nervous system TTTThe Peripheral Nervous system links the central nervous system with the body’s sense receptors, muscles and glands

Neurons  Nerve cell  Cell body  Dendrites  Axon  Myelin Sheath  Axon terminals

How Neurons Communicate TTTThe junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron is called the SYNAPSE SSSSynaptic gap or cleft-a tiny gap between the receiving neuron and sending neuron

Neurotransmitters  Chemical messengers released by axons

Neurotransmitters AAAAcetylcholine-transmits between nerves and muscles-Alzheimer’s disease NNNNorephinephrine-sleep;bp;mood-depression SSSSerotonin-mood;appetite;aggression- depression and migraines DDDDopamine-involuntary body movement- Parkinson’s Disease, possibly schizophrenia and addictions GGGGABA(gamma-aminobutyric acid)-major inhibitory transmitter in the brain-neuron loss after stroke

2 more neurotransmitters GGGGlutamate-major excitatory transmitter in the brain (probably present in all the nervous system)-neuron loss after stroke EEEEndorphin-modulates sensory system, including relief of pain and feeling of well being-addictions

The Peripheral Nervous System SSSSomatic Nervous System is voluntary AAAAutonomic nervous system is involuntary divides into sympathetic and parasympathetic

The BrainStem TTTThe brainstem-it begins where the spinal cord enters the skull and swells slightly forming the medulla RRRReticular Formation-a finger-shaped network of neurons, extends from the spinal cord right up to thalamus

Cerebellum  Extends from the rear of the brainstem  Means little brain  Coordinating voluntary movement

Thalamus  Jointed pair of egg- shaped structures sit atop the brainstem  Brain’s sensory switchboard  Receives info from the sensory neurons and routes it to the higher brain regions that deal with seeing, hearing, tasting, and touching

The Limbic System DDDDonut shaped neural system CCCControls emotions and basic motives

Amygdala AAAAlmond shaped neural clusters IIIInfluences aggression KKKKluver and Bucy surgically lesioned part of a rhesus monkey’s brain including the amygdala

Hypothalamus  Lies just below the thalamus  Perform specific bodily maintenance duties  It directs survival skills-eating, drinking, body temp.  Helps govern the endocrine system

The Cerebral Cortex  An intricate covering of interconnected neural cells that form a thin layer on the cerebral hemispheres (like bark on a tree)  Our body’s ultimate control and information processing center

Four Lobes of the Cortex FFFFrontal Lobes-behind your forehead PPPParietal Lobes-at the top and rear OOOOccipital Lobes-at the back of your head TTTTemporal Lobes-just above your eyes

Motor and Sensory Cortex

Senses on the brain

Our Divided Brains  The Brain divides its mental functions of speaking, perceiving, remembering, and thinking into sub functions.

Corpus Callosum  Wide band of axon fibers that connect the two hemisphers

Studies of the Corpus Callosum VVVVogel and Bogen performed surgery on a patient with epilepsy PPPPatient acted normal afterward personality and intellect hardly affected SSSSperry and Gazzaniga noticed patients who had surgery developed changes in perception and speech

Right and Left Hemispheres  Right-copying, drawing, recognizing faces, perceiving differences, expressing emotions  Left-press agent or the interpreter

Ways we study the brain  Recordings (EEG)  Stimulation  Lesions  Accidents  Imaging  CAT-X-ray  PET-brain activity  MRI-structure  fMRI-blood flow Phineas Gage 1848

The Endocrine System TTTThe Endocrine Glands secrete hormones (Chemical messengers that are produced in one tissue and travel through the bloodstream and affect other tissues including the brain) HHHHormones acting on the brain influence our interest in SEX, FOOD, and AGGRESSION! CCCCNS works like , the Endocrine works like snail mail. EEEEndocrine messages last longer! Influence many aspects of our lives.

Endocrine System

Genetics and Behavior  Our genes provide the blueprint for our biology  Psychologists ask “Do genes provide the blueprints for our bodies and our behaviors?”

Evolutionary Psychology  “Are we shaped to make choices because of the genes of our ancestors?”

Behavior Genetics  Explore our differences  Twin Studies  Adoption Studies  Heritability  Molecular genetics