European policy initiatives supporting individual learning pathways – Focus on EQF and ECVET – Isabelle Le Mouillour PLA: Guiding at risk youth through.


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Presentation transcript:

European policy initiatives supporting individual learning pathways – Focus on EQF and ECVET – Isabelle Le Mouillour PLA: Guiding at risk youth through learning to work Thessaloniki, 26 November 2009

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November Permeability and progression for individual pathways Main idea: education or training pathway A set of related education or training programmes provided by schools, training centres, higher education institutions or VET providers, that facilitates individuals progression within or between activity sectors. State-of-play Educational legal framework: provisions for permeability, barely put into practice Participation to lifelong learning is stagnating European lifelong learning benchmark of 15% (2020) Share of non-traditional students in HE: in most countries below 12%

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November Policy initiatives by acronyms ECVET EQF Credit systems Qualifications frameworks ECTS NQF SQF Qualifications systems ECVET European Credit system for VET ECTS European Credit Transfer System (HE) EQF European Qualifications Framework NQF National Qualifications Framework SQF Sectoral Qualifications Framework Validation

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November EQF & ECVET – shared definitions Learning outcomes means statements of what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process, which are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence Qualifications means a formal outcome of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November Could EQF build up the bridge? to create a common reference framework which should serve as a translation device between different qualifications systems and their levels international sectoral organisations to relate their qualifications systems to a common European reference point National Qualifications Frameworks - NQF - LevelsKnowledgeSkillsCompetences EQF Sectoral Qualifications Frameworks - SQF - Q Q NQF NQS

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November NQFs are seen as instruments (in Europe) for referring national qualifications to the EQF; to make national qualifications systems easier to understand and overview - at national as well as international level (transparency); for supporting LLL learning by making learning pathways visible and thus facilitate access, progression and participation; for facilitating the recognition of a broader range of learning (including non- formal and informal learning); … State-of-the-art: NQF are being developed in most countries Source: Cedefop NQF mapping, Sept 2009

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November If you were to build up your path, QF could: insights in qualifications via the learning outcomes approach - Learning outcomes are used for classifying and describing levels link to validation of non-formal learning (in a large majority of countries) use 8 level structure (in most countries) show the full range of qualifications awarded in a single scheme (overarching) The frameworks are mainly conceived as communications and transparency tools – not as regulatory tools Source: Cedefop NQF mapping, Sept 2009

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November Which individual path? Case 1: mobility Host provider Sending provider Learning agreement 1 The individual acquires KSC The learning outcomes are assessed 3 2 Credit is awarded to the individual for the learning outcomes achieved 4 Learner's credit in an individual transcript of record 5 Credit is validated 6 Learning outcomes are recognised and accumulated as a part of the aimed qualification; corresponding ECVET points are included. 7 Source: ECVET Recommendation, June 2009

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November Qualifications system Individual learner The learning outcomes are assessed 2 Credit is awarded to the individual for the learning outcomes achieved 3 Recognition of learning outcomes acquired towards the intended qualification 5 Acquisition of knowledge, skills and competence. 1 Credit obtained is validated by competent institutions 4 Which individual path? Case 2: validation Source: ECVET Recommendation, June 2009

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November Pathways across education and training sectors Regulatory statements about the right to access (unrelated to QF or CS) Development of bridging qualifications (not directly related to QF/CS) Unifying pathways –Unit-based framework where VET and GE units are considered equivalent Voluntary arrangements based on demand –Levels and units one means to open up the sectors –Other means: exemption expressed in length of programme, design of bridging programmes, articulation of qualifications and curricula The drivers for transfer and progression are external to QS Enablers and impediments are often unrelated to qualification design Modes of financing Level of bureaucracy Lack of motivation to cooperate (no drivers for the actors concerned) Capacity of the competent institution to enforce requirements of the QF/CS Implications in terms of power Cedefop. Preliminary results, study on credit systems and qualifications framework, to be published

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November For further discussion Smoothing access for VET and HE: –E.g. entry routes via vocational upper secondary schooling: school- based or apprenticeship, second chance schooling; Building bridges between VET & HE –opportunities for adults through distance education degree programmes, continuous professional education, lifelong learning centres within universities ; Defining overarching qualifications framework –Recognition of prior learning, crediting instruments, qualification linkages; Competitive diversity: –Support diversification of offer (range of courses, accessibility, closeness of links with employers and wider community) Cedefop. Preliminary results, study on credit systems and qualifications framework, to be published

Presentation title- to be changed/deleted in master slide. Other footer info, venue, date, slide Num to be changed from View->Header footer Author to be changed/deleted in master slide. Cedefop – 26 November Cedefop – 26 November Thanks for your attention Next meeting on the issue of permeability and learning pathways Workshop on 21/22 January 2010 at Cedefop Isabelle Le Mouillour (ECVET, qualifications & learning outcomes) Area Enhanced Cooperation in VET and Lifelong Learning Postal address: PO Box | GR | Thessaloniki (Finikas) Tel Mail: