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European Frameworks of Reference for Language Competences Waldemar Martyniuk Language Policy Division, Council of Europe / Jagiellonian University, Poland.

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Presentation on theme: "European Frameworks of Reference for Language Competences Waldemar Martyniuk Language Policy Division, Council of Europe / Jagiellonian University, Poland."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Frameworks of Reference for Language Competences Waldemar Martyniuk Language Policy Division, Council of Europe / Jagiellonian University, Poland

2 Documents analysed Council of Europe, 2001: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment OECD, 2003: The PISA 2003 Assessment Framework Commission of the European Communities, 2005: Towards a European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning Commission of the European Communities, 2005: Proposal for a recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on key competences for lifelong learning Commission of the European Communities, 2006: Proposal for a recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning

3 Aspects analysed Function Approach Parameters / Categories of description Descriptors Levels

4 CEFR European framework of reference for development and assessment of proficiency in FL by adult learners Common meta-language and common reference points for plurilingual education (FL) Action-oriented approach Descriptive Scheme for language learning/use 6 (9) Common Reference Levels

5 The CEFR – core elements Comprehensive description of language user/learner and language use/learning Common reference levels of language proficiency Scales of illustrative descriptors Self-assessment scales Curriculum scenarios for a coherent approach to plurilingual education The concept of „a toolkit”

6 PISA International assessment framework Assessing literacy of young adults at the age of 15 Monitoring outcomes of educational systems Dimensions of reading literacy 5 levels, 5 subscales, one combined scale

7 PISA – assessing literacy „Human capital” (OECD definition) Aim of PISA Definition of Literacy Definition of Reading literacy

8 PISA – Reading literacy Processes (aspects) Content (knowledge and understanding) Context of application (situations) = CEFR domains

9 PISA – Reading literacy: levels Mean score: 500 points 5 levels Level descriptors Composite item map

10 EQF European meta-framework of reference for qualifications as learning outcomes Enabling qualifications to be related to each other; facilitating transfer and recognition; increasing transparency and supporting mutual trust; quality assurance Learning outcomes: knowledge, skills, (wider) competences Key competences integrated (Level 2) 8 levels, 3 scales

11 EQF-elements Common reference points (levels and scales) Tools and instruments: –Integrated European credit transfer and accumulation system for lifelong learning (ECTS + ECVET); –Europass scheme: CV Language Passport Certificate Supplement Diploma Supplement Europass Mobility –Database on learning opportunities (Ploteus portal) Set of common principles and procedures (addressing quality assurance, validation of formal and informal learning, guidance and counselling, and promotion of key competences)

12 EQF-levels and scales 8 levels: –1-2: compulsory education –3: upper secondary or adult education –4: end of upper secondary / post- compulsory education; „gateway to HE” –5: completion of post-secondary; „short cycle” within the first cycle of HE –6: HE, first cycle –7: HE, second cycle –8: HE, third cycle 3 scales: –reference levels (ability descriptors) –supporting information (educational context) –indicators of level of qualification (recognition)

13 EQF – Key competences A framework of reference for competences to be acquired at the end of compulsory schooling Supporting national policies 8 Key competences Descriptors: knowledge, skills, attitudes

14 EQF – Key Competences – Communication in MT Definition Knowledge Skills Attitudes

15 EQF – Key Competences – Communication in FL Definition Knowledge Skills Attitudes

16 Summary CEFR, EQF: descriptive European meta- frameworks PISA: international assessment framework Competence based (CEFR, PISA, EQF-Key Competences); focus on learning outcomes (EQF) Common target group: young adults (end of compulsory education) Lifelong learning concept Overarching framework structure: –A descriptive scheme –Reference levels and scales –Tools and instruments for implementation –An assessment scheme (with background surveys) –Guidelines and procedures for quality assurance

17 Conclusions Need for closer cooperation on European and international level Issues for discussion: –To what extent is a competence based approach suitable for LE? –Which elements of the overarching framework structure might be developed for LE? –What other elements might be needed? –How to relate an LE framework to the existing frameworks?

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