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Presentation transcript:

Presentation by Andrzej Cieślak and Jacek Zaucha COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS An Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union (blue book) 30 October 2007 The East West Window project is part-financed by the European Union. The contents of this presentation are the sole responsibility of the Project Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting position of the European Union.


The essence of the proposed policy: An Integrated Maritime Policy requires a governance framework that applies the integrated approach at every level, as well as horizontal and cross-cutting policy tools.

Key objectives of the EU's integrated maritime policy: 1.maximising the sustainable use of the oceans and seas, 2. building a knowledge and innovation base for maritime policy, 3.delivering the highest quality of life in coastal regions, 4.promoting Europe's leadership in international maritime affairs, 5.raising the visibility of Maritime Europe.

Integrated and crosscutting tools ( the first measures proposed under Action Plan ) spatial planning and ICZM an integrated approach to data collection processing and delivery, the coordination of surveillance and monitoring activities and processes

The most important actions proposed by the Commission FIELDS OF ACTION 1.Action towards integration of Maritime Affairs across the EU 2.Regulatory obstacles 3.Collective learning – exchange of best practice 4.Surveillance Activities 5.Maritime Spatial Planning and integrated coastal zone management 6.European Marine Observation Network 7.Development of multi-sectoral clusters and regional centres of maritime excellence 8.Maritime Transport 9.Strengthening careers and employment; the maritime sectors 10.Ports policy 11.Air Pollution by Ships 12.Ship dismantling 13.Action on marine-based energy infrastructures and resources 14. Action on developing the situation of fishermen at sea 15.Implementation of the Eco-System Approach in European Fisheries 16. Proposals on the protection of fisheries resources in international waters

The most important actions proposed by the Commission 17.European Marine and Maritime Research 18.Provision of information on Community projects in coastal regions and their funding 19.Europe’s Outermost Regions and Islands 20.Action on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change 21.Sustainable Maritime Tourism 22.Improving Socio-Economic Data for maritime sectors and maritime regions 23.The EU's profile in international fora and relations with partners 24.Inclusion of Maritime Policy objectives in dialogue with third countries sharing regional seas 25.Report on strategic issues for the EU relating to the Arctic Ocean 26.Action for the Protection of the High Seas 27.European Maritime Day, Annual Report, Awards and awareness campaigns 28.European Atlas of the Seas 29.Making information publicly available on Commission proposals on Maritime Affairs Should we be involved and if yes the question is how.

The most important actions proposed by the Commission Maritime Spatial Planning and integrated coastal zone management Road map on development of maritime spatial planning by Member States; 2008 Establishment of a system for exchange of best practices; 2009 Examination of options needed to make the uses of different maritime activities more compatible;2008 WG3

The most important actions proposed by the Commission European Marine Observation - EMODNET Road map in 2008 leading to Action Plan in 2009 and Data Network Proposal on a programme for multi-dimensional mapping of the sea in Member States' waters; second semester 2008 Action on marine-based energy infrastructures & resources Revise Guidelines for Trans-European Energy Networks; 2009 Sustainable Maritime Tourism Communication on sustainable & competitive European tourism; 2007 Assessment of interlinkages between the cruise industry, marinas, ports, and other maritime industries; 2009 Action on developing the situation of fishermen at sea Working document on fishers as "Guardians of the Sea"; second semester 2008 WG3

The most important actions proposed by the Commission Action towards integration of Maritime Affairs across the EU Guidelines for national integrated maritime policies; first semester 2008 Report on Member States' actions; 2009 Regulatory obstacles Report on regulatory obstacles; first semester 2008 VASAB

The most important actions proposed by the Commission Development of multi-sectoral clusters and regional centres of maritime excellence A staff working document on Maritime Clusters; October 2007 This will prepare the ground for future work, including the establishment of a European network of maritime clusters. WG1

The most important actions proposed by the Commission Maritime Transport Consultation on a European Space for Maritime Transport without barriers; October 2007 A staff working document on the Motorways of the Sea; October 2007 Study to assess trends for the period ; 2007 Final Guidelines on the application of competition rules to maritime transport; 2008 Conference on trends and shipping scenarios; first semester 2008 Proposal on establishment of European Space for Maritime Transport without barriers; 2008 White Paper on Maritime Transport strategy to 2018; 2008 Policy document on e-maritime services; 2009 Review of block exemption regulation; before April 2010 WG2

The most important actions proposed by the Commission Inclusion of Maritime Policy objectives in dialogue with third countries sharing regional seas Organisation of a Euromed (Mediterranean) workshop on maritime spatial planning; 2008 Objectives of Maritime Policy discussed with candidate (…) and partner countries (e.g. in nthe framework of the Northern Dimension Neighbouring countries involved in development of EMODNET (European Marine Observation and Dta Network) improved surveillance programs and spatial planning (our PILOT!!!) Russia

Discussion is open

WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WORKING GROUP 3 „SEA USE CONFLICTS AND POTENTIALS” The East West Window project is part-financed by the European Union. The contents of this presentation are the sole responsibility of the Project Partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting position of the European Union. Jacek Zaucha Maritime Institute Gdańsk


WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WORKING GROUP 3 „SEA USE CONFLICTS AND POTENTIALS” Main Messages Baltic Sea is a common resource and the playground of the integrative processes aimed at the “sustainable use” of this common developmental potential. Sea space offers new developmental potentials. The demand for use of the sea space is rapidly growing and accordingly the potential use conflicts among different user. Use the strengths of spatial planning for cross-sector co- ordination and dialogues between political bodies at all levels (Prepare strategic spatial plans for offshore areas.)

WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WORKING GROUP 3 „SEA USE CONFLICTS AND POTENTIALS” Main Messages (continuing) The planning and management of the sea space can not be separated for planning and management of the terrestrial one. BSR is ready to become a model region for sustainable and co-ordinated spatial planning, testing the new guidelines for maritime spatial planning.

WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WORKING GROUP 3 „SEA USE CONFLICTS AND POTENTIALS” Analysis Performed by WG3 Mapping the current sea space conflicts and main potentials. Screening legal systems. Analysing most important policies influencing sea use planning Analyzing territorial implications of findings and draw conclusions from the analyses.

WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WORKING GROUP 3 „SEA USE CONFLICTS AND POTENTIALS” Main outputs/products Analytical phase Map showing Baltic Sea space conflicts and potentials in Results of screening national legislation and national planning systems with regard to relevant instruments for sea use planning and integration of sea use and spatial (terrestrial) planning at different levels of territorial structures. Seminar in Gdańsk, January 2008 at which the analytical results will be presented and discussed with stakeholders

WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WORKING GROUP 3 „SEA USE CONFLICTS AND POTENTIALS” Main outputs/products Policy phase –summed up by the seminar in Kaliningrad June 2008 A joint vision of using Baltic space. A suggestion (draft) of a joint action programme showing how to realize the ideas of the vision i.e. In concrete terms the action programme should propose necessary steps, responsible institutions and deadlines for: Introduction of required regulations where these are not available yet, Preparation of national offshore development strategies and guidelines for use prioritisation, Reaching agreement of cross-border concertation of plans.

WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WORKING GROUP 3 „SEA USE CONFLICTS AND POTENTIALS” KALININGRAD PILOT STUDY To deploy the pilot action in the Gdansk Bay aimed to demonstrate promotion of use and protection of marine resources through sea use planning methodologies. Pilot phase should be summed up by the seminar in Kaliningrad for RU and PL decision makers in May/June 2008

WORKING DOCUMENT FOR WORKING GROUP 3 „SEA USE CONFLICTS AND POTENTIALS” KALININGRAD PILOT STUDY Proposed ways of implementation Analysing the Baltcoast recommendation on sea use planning by PL and RU experts Drawing/outlining the institutional framework for co- ordinated sea use planning in the Gdańsk Bay (proposals of the concrete institutions, their responsibilities, co-operation channels, additional tasks that should be added to the existing ones) Preparation of the action programme for putting the institutional framework for joint sea use planning into motion Preparation of the list of joint projects to be financed under incoming ENPI Concertation with stakeholders in Kaliningrad and Gdansk Pilot phase should be summed up by the seminar in Kaliningrad for RU and PL decision makers in May/June 2008

Thank you for your attention