Back to School Night Second Grade Stephanie Grande September 19, 2012
Homework Homework Folder Assignment Book Reading Log
Cougar Pride Behavior Sheets –P: Be Prepared –R: Be Respectful –I: In Control –D: Disciplined –E: Effort - Every Friday reports are given out. Sign and return.
Reading Program Shared Reading Spelling/Phonics Vocabulary Grammar Flex Groups- instructional level Writing Reading Responses Harcourt Website: Passwords: Farr or Strickland or Beck
Star Time Review of language arts material (spelling, vocabulary, reading skills, writing, etc.) Tiered Instruction; Small groups Enrichment Dibels Testing and Running Records
Everyday Math Concepts Covered In Second Grade: Addition and Subtraction Facts Adding and Subtracting 2 & 3 digit numbers Beginning multiplication and division Measurement Telling Time to the hour, half hour, and minute Counting coins and making change Finding and following patterns in numbers Problem Solving, with explanation Fractions Geometry
Fact Tests Every Tuesday addition/subtraction quiz Goal: Have these facts memorized Practice sheet comes home on Mondays or use flash cards
Social Studies Curriculum Feel free to look through your child’s book on their desk!
Science Curriculum Soils (Clay, Sand, Humus) Changes (Solids, Liquids, Gases) New Plants (Brassica, Rye Grass, Alfalfa)
Class Meetings Once a week Bucket Filling Elmer the Elephant Anti-Bullying
Conferences If you haven’t already, please sign up for a conference time before you leave. If you have other students at Kulp, please let me know that too.
Thank You for Coming! Visit my website: Miss Grande's WebsiteMiss Grande's Website Contacting Me: –Send in a note –