Stage 3 Review: TFEIP/ETC-ACC Karin Kindbom, Martin Adams & Justin Goodwin
Contents Background –Mandate –Purpose Scoping paper overview Things we need for Stage 3 Next Steps Discussion
Background: Mandate Mandate for Review: –The EMEP Steering Body & Executive Body –‘methods and procedures’ document (EB.AIR/GE.1/2005/7, annex 3) Stage 3 Review Scoping paper mandate –“The Task Force will propose methods and timing for in-depth reviews to the Steering Body” –…purpose, scope, procedures, management and required resources for carrying out Stage 3 in-depth reviews…
Background: Review Purpose Assist Parties in improving the quality of their inventories. Ensure that EMEP has adequate and reliable information; Advise Parties and the Centres on gaps & revision needed in country data; Inform modelling assessment centres on the use/application of inventory data vs other data. Provide the Implementation Committee with assessment of the annual quantitative and qualitative inventory information submitted by Parties;
Scoping paper Proposals Objectives Scope Responsibilities Procedures Timetable Resources
Scoping Report: Stage 3 Objectives Check the Quality of emissions reporting –Check application of Good Practice Improve the Quality of emissions –Identify good practice –Capacity Building (involvement in review) Establish a common approach for Review (Harmonisation) –Consistency with UNFCCC –Applicability for NEC
Scoping Report: Scope & Frequency Priority Pollutants –CO, NOx, NMVOC, NH 3, and SO 2 ; Cd, Hg, Pb; Particulate matter (PM 2.5 and PM 10 ); dioxins and furans, the PAH compounds and HCB Annual centralised reviews (Like UNFCCC) –National Sectoral (Historic Timeseries) –Activity Data –IIR –10-15 Parties per year (2-3 Central Reviews) −Rolling Programme −Or Parties chosen by the Implementation Committee 5-yearly review –gridded data, –projections –large point source data Focus on Key Sources –Quality (TCCCA) –identification of missing sources
Scoping Report: Timing of Review (Options) September + 0 year.. ? –Competes with UNFCCC reviews –A Rush to include feedback.. –Findings available for Inventory update.. Just.. June….. January + 1 year.. ? –Build on UNFCCC Review –Reviewing an “Old” Inventory –Time to incorporate recommendations in next inventory –Competes with inventory submissions
Scoping Report: Responsibilities Collection and storage of reported emissions and wider data for review –UNECE Secretariat & The EMEP emission centre, EEA Stage 1 & 2 Review –The EMEP emission centre Stage 3 review –Establishing and maintaining the roster of experts −The Executive Body of the Convention –Identifying Parties for review −executive Body of the Convention supported by EMEP Steering Body, EMEP centres –Provision of Review Experts −Parties (EPs) & EMEP Centres –Organisation of the review. (Assigning expert reviewers & Managing the review activities and deliverables) −The EMEP emission centre –Performing the Review and Production of Review Findings −The review team and lead reviewer
Scoping Report: Procedures & Outputs Expert Review Team & Lead Reviewers –Detailed procedures for checks and review −Recalculations, TCCC, Improvements –6 – 8 experts per Centralised review (1-2 Lead Reviewers) –Lead Reviewers responsible and the Review teams findings –Expert Review Team Responsible for the Quality of the Review Reports Expert Review Teams Composition –Balance between experts from Parties with different inventories and national circumstances –Expertise: −Energy and transport, Industrial Processes, Solvents and Other Products Use and Waste and Agriculture Individual Review Report <10 pages. (Review Team) –Part 1: Summary of findings (TCCCA) –Part 2: Specific Recommendations (Quality & Sectoral) Stage 3 Overview Report –The EMEP emission centre, EEA
Scoping Report: Timetable
Scoping Report: Resource Estimates EMEP emission centre technical secretariat support 2 person-months (5 Countries/yr only) and would include: –Stage 1&2 tests draft reports & communications; –Preparing for Stage 3 organisation & data; –Managing the review weeks; –Finalising the review reports &communication with the Parties. Expert resources per centralised review –15 days per lead reviewer; –7-10 days per expert; –Resources for travelling and accommodation. Country being reviewed –To answer questions and to comment on the individual review reports 3 days per country. Review venue resources –Meeting room & IT- facilities (computers, internet connections etc).
Scoping Report Summary: “What’s Needed for Effective Stage 3” Clear requirements for Inventories e.g. –Informative Inventory Report (IIR) –Use of templates –Clear Reporting Instructions/Guidelines Use of EMEP/CORINAIR Guidebook (or equivalent) –Use of methods (Minimum methods) –Good Practice requirements The Stage 1 & 2 to identify which country submissions are possible to review and inform and focus the Stage 3 review. Effective Review Teams & Co-ordination –Resources: Parties, Centres Maintain links to other inventory reviews.. (UNFCCC, EUMM, E-PRTR, EC funded activities, Ad-Hoc)
Next Steps Discuss & Agree Review Priorities (Dessau) Integration into ‘methods and procedures’ document (EB.AIR/GE.1/2005/7, annex III) (June) Presentation at the EMEP SB (September) endorsement from EMEP SB Present to TFEIP (Ireland) (October) including Whole Review workplan for 2008
Stage 3: Discussion (Dessau) Scope & Frequency –Pollutants? –Rolling Programme & Number of reviews/yr..? Timing –Sep, Jan or other? Responsibilities –Emissions Data Centre, Parties, EMEP Choosing and Using National Experts –Roster of Experts? –Selection of teams? Distribution of Review Reports –Who, what and when? Trial Review – Process for nomination of reviewers? – Test other steps necessary to be taken?
Thank you