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1 EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook Proposal to restructure and update Aphrodite Mourelatou (EEA), Eduard Dame (EC), Kristin Rypdal.

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Presentation on theme: "1 EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook Proposal to restructure and update Aphrodite Mourelatou (EEA), Eduard Dame (EC), Kristin Rypdal."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook Proposal to restructure and update Aphrodite Mourelatou (EEA), Eduard Dame (EC), Kristin Rypdal (EMEP/TFEIP), Jürgen Schneider (EMEP) Aphrodite Mourelatou (EEA), Eduard Dame (EC), Kristin Rypdal (EMEP/TFEIP), Jürgen Schneider (EMEP)

2 2 What’s the situation with the Guidebook today Contains most influential set of emission estimation methods for air pollutants in Europe Essential reference for reporting under both CLRTAP (and its protocols) and the NEC Directive Some gaps in available information e.g. sector & pollutant combinations Some other information needs updating Inconsistencies in method description between chapters Little guidance on methodological choice and on good practice

3 3 Who/What is behind this proposal? A complete and coherent Guidebook essential for future scientific work, trust among stakeholders and compliance checking of both the NEC Directive and the Convention and its protocols European Commission asked EEA to prepare a Guidebook update and restructuring plan and indicated its intention to financially support it EEA prepared such a plan together with the chair of the EMEP SB, the TFEIP chair (representing also the CLRTAP secretariat) and the European Commission European Commission is about to choose the consultants that will support the execution of the plan It is this plan that is presented here for discussion Input from this discussion will be used in steering the consultant’s work

4 4 Underlying principles Guidebook intended main users Experts responsible for preparing national air pollutant emission inventories to be reported under both CLRTAP (and its protocols) and the NEC Directive Guidebook objectives Support compliance with reporting obligations under CLRTAP and NEC Support inventory improvement process

5 5 What would the Guidebook include? Complete source descriptions Guidance on good practice aspects such as key source analyses, QA/QC systems, uncertainty management and projections Guidance on methodological choice (incl. decision trees) Tier 1 methods for all pollutants from all sources Tier 2 methods for potential key sources Tier 3 methods for particularly important methods or methods already included in the Guidebook Emission factors, both default and technology dependant values for a range of process conditions and abatement technologies that might occur in different countries Uncertainty estimates for emission factors

6 6 How to restructure? Follow IPCC guidelines as close as possible while respecting particularities of air pollutant inventories Table of content to follow NFR for source categories Retain link to SNAP classification as process based sub-categories General chapter on how to estimate spatially disaggregated emission data in the cross cutting issues section and/or in source category chapters Separate as far as possible numerical information from the main text (stable information)

7 7 Guidebook components Source description Tier methodology Good Practice Uncertainties … Default EFs and Parameters Additional EFs and Parameters Emission Factor Database? Guidebook

8 8 Why have, or not, an emission factor database? Reduces data ambiguity and data omissions More efficient and better data QA/QC Easier to find what you are looking for Can require intensive resourcing May take more time for experts to supply the data / Data suppliers need to be trained Will the data suppliers choose to use the database?

9 9 What role, if any, to an emission factor database Option A: No database Option B: Database contains all numerical values of emission factors contained in the Guidebook [Static database of only data in the Guidebook] Option C: Option B + database contains new data and information approved by TFEIP and expert panels [Living database continually updated with new information]

10 10 How to organise the work The final responsibility for the technical content of the Guidebook lies with the TFEIP The practical restructuring and update work will be done by the consultants

11 11 Project organisation Commission Consultant contract EEA EMEP chair Advisory Editorial Group UNECE CLRTAP secretariat TFEIP Chair / Secretariat Expert panels Steering Group / centres

12 12 The Timetable 20 Nov 06 Revised final proposal incorporating the TFEIP/EIONET meeting comments as input to the Advisory Editorial Group (AEG) Jan 07 Kick-off meeting (consultants, AEG) Feb 07-Feb 08 meetings organised by the consultants with expert panels to discuss and draft relevant sections of the GB and with AEG to discuss progress of work June 07 consultants present an example chapter at the TFEIP meeting Oct 07 consultants present progress of work at the joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Feb/March 08 Scientific, TFEIP and EIONET reviews of draft updated and restructured GB May 08 consultants incorporate comments May 08 TFEIP and EIONET members receive for info the revised draft version June 08 TFEIP recommends to EMEP SB approval of new GB Sept 08 EMEP SB recommends to UNECE EB endorsement of new GB Dec 08 UNECE EB endorses new GB

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