1 Working Group 1 Organisation of Statutory Services at the Sub-national level South East Europe Consultation Reform of the Child Care System: Taking Stock and Accelerating Action
2 Outcomes of the WG Clarify the position of statutory services within continuum of services Examine role of statutory services vis-à-vis different profiles of service users Describe the parameters for their set up and functioning within an enabling social environment
3 Key issues Do We Have the Statutory Services as Client Oriented System? or How to improve System of Statutory Services in terms of clients needs and capacities? Service users in the center of the social care system
4 Agenda for the Working Group
5 Topic I Mandates of statutory services and case management Discussion questions Advantages and shortcomings of organizing statutory services – de-concentration or devolution approach? Advantages and shortcomings of different committees/commissions with specialized functions as opposite to one-stop shops with complex mandates and accountabilities Statutory services and their relationship with the Court
6 Topic II Assuring access to services for the groups at risk and coordinating the response within public sector and other service providers Discussion Questions Which measures can facilitate access to services? How to up-grade accountability for identification, reporting, referral of cases – especially by education, health, authorities? How to improve information, mediation, empowerment and independent representation of the underserved groups? Different sectors/disciplines roles and mandates regarding protection responses to children with disabilities, exposed to violence, in conflict with the law? Co-operation modalities between statutory and non- statutory service: quality and accountability challenges and how to address them?
7 Topic III Methods and tools for good case management Discussion questions How to include a service user, i.e. a child and/or family in the assessment and decision making procedures? What is the role of case conference? When and how to facilitate independent representation of a service user? When is multidisciplinary assessment of a case needed and how should it be done?
8 Final Panellists and technical resource person Final comments Chairperson Summing up and key recommendations