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Presentation transcript:


Activity 1. Project management 1.1 Kick-off and project start (Romania, February 2013, 1 day) PROPOSED Organiser: Applicant organisation (National Institute for Scientific Research in the field of Labour and Social Protection - NISRLSP, under the coordination of the Romanian Ministry of Labour), in cooperation with OSB-AT Participants: all partners (coordinators level). Content: The activity will consist in setting the internal procedures, contracts, preparing the tender procedures, information in PROGRESS implementation and reimbursement procedures. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 1. Project management 1.1 Kick-off and project start (Romania, February 2013, 1 day) DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: the proposed activity was entirely accomplished Implementation: The Kick –off meeting was organised and took place in Bucharest on February 20, 2013 The collaboration and communication procedures were established and approved by all partners The sub-contracts between the coordinator and partners were drafted and signed The procedures for reimbursement were established

INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA Activity 1. Project management 1.1 Kick-off and project start (Romania, February 2013, 1 day) PRODUCTS P1. Cooperation procedure (including communication procedure)

Activity 1. Project management 1.2 Project Interim Meeting (Austria, April 2013, 1 day) PROPOSED Organiser: OSB-AT in cooperation with Applicant organisation (NISRLSP-RO) Participants: all partners (coordinators level). Content: The activity will consist in intermediary evaluation of the project implementation, information on the activity’ status and preparation for final reporting duties, according to PROGRESS/European Commission requirements INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 1. Project management 1.2 Project Interim Meeting (Austria, April 2013, 1 day) DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: the proposed activity was entirely accomplished Implemented: The partners’ meeting was organised A report on progress in achieving project objectives was developed, discussed and submitted for approval The costs of taken actions were assessed The development INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 1. Project management 1.2 Project Interim Meeting (Austria, April 2013, 1 day) PRODUCTS P2. Interim report INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.1 Information campaign preparation (Romania, February 2013, 1 day) PROPOSED Organiser: OSB-AT. Participants: Communication experts from AT, IT, ES, RO and PT. Content: main messages and tools for information campaign – exchange of views and agreement on main steps. Design the strategic approach and responsibilities. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.1 Information campaign preparation (Romania, February 2013, 1 day) DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: the proposed activity was entirely accomplished Implemented: INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.1 Information campaign preparation (Romania, February 2013, 1 day) PRODUCTS P4. Visual identity INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.2 Information campaign implementation (February-June 2013) PROPOSED Responsible: OSB-AT. Contributors: Communication experts from IT, ES, RO and PT Content: The campaign will consist on creating the project identifications elements, design and put into operation a webpage and an e-platform (also used as dissemination channel and network builder), 2 virtual newsletters, 100 posters, 2 video testimonials, 100 ball pens, 100 notebooks and 1 roll-up. The information campaign will promote the following information: a) about innovative methods to promote a smooth transition from education to work, particularly by securing direct work experiences through simulated enterprises concept, and best practice examples at European level and b) about the project, its objectives and main activities and Progress co-financing. The targeted group consists in decision makers and policy implementers, other stakeholders in the field of school-labour market transition (such as social partners, education institutions, NGOs). The hard materials will be disseminated during the planned events. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.2 Information campaign implementation (February-June 2013) DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: Implemented INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 2. Information campaign on innovative measures to ensure FIRST STEP TO FIRST JOB IN EUROPE (January-June 2013) 2.2 Information campaign implementation (February-June 2013) PRODUCTS P6. 1 roll-up P8. An e-platform and project web-site in use P9. An International experts' network established INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.1. Workshop 1. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Romania case and transferability analysis for other European countries” and study visit on simulated enterprises in an Romanian technical university (Romania, February 2013, two days) PROPOSED Responsible: UPG-RO, OSB-AT Participants: All partners representatives and local stakeholders (decision makers and policy implementers, other stakeholders in the field of school-labour market transition such as social partners, education institutions, business community NGOs from the partner’ country) – total participants ~ 25 persons Content: know-how exchange on using innovative instruments for youth transition through career counselling, education and training provision effectively related to enterprise/business environment. Study visit on using simulated enterprises as tool for providing direct work experiences for students and for linking students' skills to labour market requirements. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.1. Workshop 1. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Romania case and transferability analysis for other European countries” and study visit on simulated enterprises in an Romanian technical university (Romania, February 2013, two days) DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: the proposed activity was accomplished Implemented: The workshop 1. took place in Bucharest on February 2013 The workshop was attended by 28 participants, stakeholders in the field of education and labour market such as decision makers and policy implementers in the field of employment and transition from school to work, social partners, business community, and NGOs from Romania The purpose of the workshop was achieved, namely the exchange of information and know- how on using innovative methods for youth transition from school to work Questionnaires on quality assessment were given to participants and their results were analysed and presented in an report The study visit on simulated enterprise was organised on 21 February 2013 in Petroleum and Gas University from Ploiesti INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.1. Workshop 1. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Romania case and transferability analysis for other European countries” and study visit on simulated enterprises in an Romanian technical university (Romania, February 2013, two days) PRODUCTS P10. 1 workshops implemented in Romania P11 1 study visit in Romania P12. 1 reports of evaluation questionnaires for the workshop INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.2. Workshop 2. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Portugal case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Portugal, March 2013, 1 day) PROPOSED Responsible: PT Participants: All partners representatives and local stakeholders (decision makers and policy implementers, other stakeholders in the field of school-labour market transition such as social partners, education institutions, business community NGOs from the partner’ country) – total participants ~ 25 persons Content: know-how exchange on using innovative instruments for youth transition through career counselling, education and training provision effectively related to labour market needs and enterprise/business environment. Implementation: logistic arrangements for event (room, translation), agenda and invitation draft and dissemination, participation confirmation, etc. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.2. Workshop 2. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Portugal case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Portugal, March 2013, 1 day) DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: the proposed activity was accomplished Implemented : The workshop 2 was organised in Lisbon, on 25 March 2013 The workshop was attended by 30 stakeholders in the field of education and labour market such as decision makers and policy implementers in the field of employment and transition from school to work, social partners, business community and NGOs from Portugal The purpose of the workshop was achieved namely the exchange of information and know how on using innovative methods for youth transition from school to work Questionnaires on quality assessment were applied and their results were analysed and presented in report INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.2. Workshop 2. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Portugal case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Portugal, March 2013, 1 day) PRODUCTS P10. 1 workshop implemented in Portugal P12. 1 report of evaluation questionnaires INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.3. Workshop 3. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Italy case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Italy, March 2013, 1 day) PROPOSED Responsible: IT Participants: All partners representatives and local stakeholders (decision makers and policy implementers, other stakeholders in the field of school- labour market transition such as social partners, education institutions, business community NGOs from the partner’ country) – total participants ~ 25 persons Content: know-how exchange on using innovative instruments for youth transition through career counselling, education and training provision effectively related to labour market needs and enterprise/business environment. Implementation: logistic arrangements for event (room, translation), agenda and invitation draft and dissemination, participation confirmation, etc. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.3. Workshop 3. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Italy case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Italy, March 2013, 1 day) DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: the proposed activity was accomplished Implemented: The workshop 3 was organised in Milan, on 8 April 2013 The workshop was attended by 25 stakeholders in the field of education and labour market such as decision makers and policy implementers in the field of employment and transition from school to work, social partners, business community and NGOs from Italy The purpose of the workshop was realised, namely the exchange of information and know- how on using innovative methods for youth transition from school to work Questionnaires on quality assessment were applied and their results were analysed and presented in report INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.3. Workshop 3. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Italy case and transferability analysis for other European countries” (Italy, March 2013, 1 day) PRODUCTS P10. 1 workshop implemented in Italy P12. 1 report of evaluation questionnaires for the workshop INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.4 Workshop 4. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Austria case and transferability analysis for other European countries” and study visit on simulated enterprises in an Austrian business college (Austria, April 2013, two days) PROPOSED Responsible: OSB-AT Participants: All partners representatives and local stakeholders (decision makers and policy implementers, other stakeholders in the field of school-labour market transition such as social partners, education institutions, business community NGOs from the partner’ country) – total participants ~ 25 persons Content: know-how exchange on using innovative instruments for youth transition through career counselling, education and training provision effectively related to enterprise/business environment. Study visit on using simulated enterprises as tool for providing direct work experiences for students and for linking students’ skills to labour market requirements. Implementation: logistic arrangements for event (room, translation), agenda and invitation draft and dissemination, participation confirmation, etc. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.4 Workshop 4. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Austria case and transferability analysis for other European countries” and study visit on simulated enterprises in an Austrian business college (Austria, April 2013, two days) DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: the proposed activity was accomplished Implemented: The works hop 4 was organised in Vienna on 17 April 2013 The workshop was attended by 25 stakeholders in the field of education and labour market such as decision makers and policy implementers in the field of employment and transition from school to work, social partners, business community and NGOs from Austria The purpose of the workshop was realised respectively the exchange of information and know how on using innovative methods for youth transition from school to work Questionnaires on quality assessment were applied and their results were analysed and presented in an report The study visit on simulated enterprise was held on 16 April 2013 in Vienna INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 3. Networking and best practice exchange on innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market 3.4 Workshop 4. “Innovative measures to facilitate first transition for youth from education to labour market – focus on Austria case and transferability analysis for other European countries” and study visit on simulated enterprises in an Austrian business college (Austria, April 2013, two days) PRODUCTS P10. 1 workshop implemented in Austria P11 1 study visit in Austria P12. 1 report of evaluation questionnaires for the workshop INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 4. Study on the impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level 4.1 Study drafting and finalisation PROPOSED Responsible: Applicant organisation (NISRLSP) Contributors: NISRLSP researchers Content: The study will focus on the impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level taking into account the demographic and economic perspectives and the conclusions drawn from the workshops and study visits previously organised. A particular attention shall be grant to the innovative concept of simulated enterprises used within tertiary education organisations in Europe (e.g. Austria, Romania) as step in stone for students’ entering on the labour market. The study will support formulation and dissemination of recommendations on design and implementation of innovative measures to support education – labour market first transition in case of youth and avoidance of skills mismatch and promotion of efficient use of human resources. INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA

Activity 4. Study on the impact of innovative measures on the youth insertion and mobility on the labour market at European level 4.1 Study drafting and finalisation DEGREE OF FULFILLMENT Status: the activity is in progress Implemented: The structure by chapters of the study was developed, discussed and approved An inventory of the main innovative methods for youth transitioning from school to work was developed and completed, by all partners in the project Information relating to the economic and social perspective, demographic, education and employment situation, focusing especially on young people, were collected The simulated enterprise concept was presented, along with implemented case studies in Austria and Romania A questionnaire was created to be conducted on stakeholders, in order to identify innovative methods for youth transition from school to work INTERIM MEETING/ VIENNA