Growing Innovations in Rural Sites of Learning: Learning Together Elluminate meeting #2 – December, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Growing Innovations in Rural Sites of Learning: Learning Together Elluminate meeting #2 – December, 2011

 Introduction and opening remarks – Linda Farr Darling  Goals for the meeting – Pat Dooley

 To continue to provide a forum for sharing and learning between Growing Innovations project leaders  To report on and respond to some themes and challenges identified by site supports after initial site visits.  To provide initial thoughts regarding the May 5 Learning Symposium.  To hear from Project leaders about successes, connections, new steps and future plans.  To lay out plans for future support and learning.

 Introductions and reflections on your project: a) share one success you have had to date and/or b) talk about a connection you have made with another project leader or school as a result of Growing Innovations.  Comments by site facilitators

 Emerging stories re impacts on students: innovations are working for individual learners.  Experiential learning common to several projects:  Aboriginal learners are focus of several projects  Some dialogue re changing role of teachers, including making changes to pedagogy as result of innovation.  Planning process and reflecting on “innovation in process” crucial to success of projects:

 Curriculum being redefined/developed in several projects  Changing nature of relationships/blurring boundaries between school and community  Student ownership, initiative, and engagement through relevant experiences are key aspects of several projects.  Growing evidence of school connecting with and learning from other schools: Adult collaboration common  Use of technology common to many projects.

 May 5: need to clarify expectations  Assessment – artifacts and how to assess impact of project  Sustainability: not as simplistic as a start and end to projects  Clarity needed re money and when it needs to be spent.

- Not like a science fair - About the process of planning and learning - Will include some time all together, some time in clusters and/or other small groups to share learning - Focus on process and products as appropriate - Framework re what to prepare will follow in March Elluminate session or sooner? - Funding for one project leader per site; one other may be welcome at district expense. - Celebrate and community building: thinking, learning, reflecting…and a RECEPTION!

 Some artifacts to share (e.g. SD#60 Project Based Learning rubrics; Critique self and peer assessment process, etc.)  Important to use observation, interviews, and strategies that focus on individual students and groups of students.  Consider concept of “narrative” inquiry (referred to in Leadership Mindsets by Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser)

 Narrative  Appreciative  Problem-based  Reflective  Spiral of Inquiry

 Narrative - what is the dominant story? Who are the heroes? Villains? Themes? “ Stories are not only the way in which we come to ascribe significance to experiences … but also they are one of the primary means through which we constitute our very selves … we become who we are through telling stories about our lives and living the stories we tell.” Source: Halbert and Kaser

 How can you tell stories of the impact of the innovation on individual students and groups of students? a) quantitative data – surveys, rubrics, pre and post assessments b) qualitative data – interviews, individual stories

 Projects do not need to end or reach closure at the end of the year: Desire to consider ways to sustain innovation and look at what can be transferred to other sites, settings, groups of students.  Money does not need to be spent by June.  A progress report of some sort will be needed (simple with framework provided


 What is your next step with your project?  Have you thought about ways to sustain your work, what might be transferable to others schools, projects, cohorts of students, etc.?

 Artifacts with permission to share a) Assessment tools (critique, rubrics on products and assessment for learning) b) Pictures and permissions c) Videos  (FORUM FOR SHARING) Above to and/or

 A )continued contact with site supporter, including requests for support  B) help with literature review (Cal Heer) via site supporter (eg nature K models)  C) framework to use to plan for May.  D) March elluminate meetings organized to accommodate Spring Breaks  E) Use of website to post resources, pictures, etc.  F) continued analysis of collaborative learning models

 Impact: John Hattie in Visible Learning (a synthesis of what we know about the most effective forms of teaching.  Student achievement is improved when teachers work together in collaborative teams to: a) Clarify what students must learn b) Gather evidence of student learning c) Analyze that evidence d) Identify the most powerful teaching strategies

 Schools are in the business of teaching and learning…and if they would learn to learn from each other their future would be secured.  Paraphrased from Michael Fullan, OISE