Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 6 Week 2 Daily Fix-Its Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 6 Week 2
1. Living at the north pole would be a frigid experiance. 2. Some plants can live in the arctic cold and most cannot survive.
1. Living at the North Pole would be a frigid experience. 2. Some plants can live in the arctic cold, but most cannot survive.
3. One diffrance between a desert or a tundra is temperature. 4. Both places is very dry. And their life forms must adapt to this condition.
3. One difference between a desert and a tundra is temperature. 4. Both places are very dry, and their life forms must adapt to this condition.
5. The Bering Sea lies between Alaska and siberia, ships can travel there only a few months. 6. Can you locate St. Matthew island on a map.
5. The Bering Sea lies between Alaska and Siberia 5. The Bering Sea lies between Alaska and Siberia. Ships can travel there only a few months. 6. Can you locate St. Matthew Island on a map?
7. The polar bear be my favorite animal at the zoo? 8. The bear fascinates that there man with huge paws.
7. The polar bear is my favorite animal at the zoo. 8. The bear with huge paws fascinates that man.
9. These here birds fluff out they feathers to trap warm air. 10. A bird must fead constantly to keep up its bodie heat.
9. These birds fluff out their feathers to trap warm air. 10. A bird must feed constantly to keep up its body heat.