Quick Quiz US1.6a-b Ready, Set, Go!
What did England want to remain? A World Power!
What is the Stamp Act? A tax on printed Material
Why did England tax the colonies with the Stamp Act? To finance the French and Indian War
Why did England pass the Quartering Act? To help maintain English troops in the colonies.
What did the colonists want in Parliament? Representation!
Who had the idea of Life, Liberty, and Property? John Locke
What is an “unalienable” right? A right that cannot be taken away!
Thomas Jefferson wrote Life, Liberty and_________? The pursuit of happiness!
Where did Thomas Jefferson believe the government derives power from? The People
If the government violates people’s rights, what does Thomas Jefferson believe that people have a right and duty to do? Change the government
What was the name of the document that proclaimed the 13 colonies independent from England? The Declaration of Independence
Who was the British during the Revolutionary era? George III
Who was commander of the Continental Army? George Washington
Who said “Give me liberty or give me death?” Patrick Henry
Who wrote Common Sense? Thomas Paine
Who was the major author of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
Who was a former slave that wrote plays and poems supporting the American Revolution? Phyllis Wheatley
Who said: “The British are coming!” Paul Revere
What battle was the turning point of the war? Battle of Saratoga
Where did Cornwallis surrender? Yorktown
Who led the Boston Tea Party? Samuel Adams and Paul Revere
The treaty where England recognized American independence? Treaty of Paris
What happened at the Boston Massacre? Colonists were shot after taunting British soldiers.
Where was the first armed conflict of the war? Battle of Lexington and Concord.
What were the 3 colonial advantages during the war? Defense of land, principles and beliefs France and Spain Strong Leadership
When was the Declaration of Independence approved? July 4, 1776
At what did delegates from all colonies meet to discuss problems with England and promote independence? First Continental Congress
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