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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution
SOL USI.6 Mrs. Stephens Social Studies Does England Rule? Have the colonists had enough? What were the causes of the American Revolution? Find out!

2 Great Britain Rules!! Great Britain was expanding control over the American Colonies Many colonists became dissatisfied and rebellious

3 How did Great Britain control the colonies?
Economic Controlled trade Taxed the colonists after the French and Indian War Colonies traded raw materials for goods made in Great Britain Political Colonists had to obey British laws enforced by governors Governors were appointed by the king Colonial legislatures were monitored by the governors

4 Patriot vs. Loyalist Patriot
Colonist who want to be independent (free) of England’s control. Loyalist Colonist who wanted to remain controlled by England.

5 What were Great Britain’s reasons for control?
Remain a world power Needed Money to pay for French and Indian War and British troops in the colonies. (Taxes)

6 Reasons for Taxation Finance the French and Indian War
Finance the maintenance of British troops in the colonies

7 What is the Stamp Act? Important British tax on colonies – Stamp Act
Colonists must buy stamps for all printed material When: 1765 Why? To pay for the cost of the French and Indian War

8 The Stamp Act Colonists threatened to tar and feather stamp commissioners

9 Finally the colonies had enough!
No representation in Parliament. “No Taxation Without Representation!”

10 Colonists were dissatisfied!
Resented power of colonial governors (appointed by the King)! England had strict control over colonial legislatures

11 The colonists were dissatisfied!
Opposed Taxes Proclamation of 1763 that restricted westward movement

12 What is the Proclamation of 1763?
A law that said the colonists could not settle the Ohio Valley They fought the F&I war to win the Ohio Valley Colonists found this unfair (some wanted to move west)

13 Why did the King issue the Proclamation of 1763?
He thought it would be too expensive to protect the colonists in the Ohio Valley. 2000 settlers had already died there.

14 Letter to the King Imagine you are a colonist living in Boston Massachusetts. You have become angry and fed up about your life under British control. Write a letter to King George III explaining why you are dissatisfied with British control of the colonies. Must be in letter form. Explain the relationship between England and its colonies , the 5 things that make you dissatisfied, and what you want the king to do. Must be 1 full page neatly written on NB 59.

15 Use Your Axes to Slash the Taxes
What we Demand!!! Ability to move west Governors with less power A say in Parliament No taxes Ability to make our own laws

16 How would you feel? What would be your point of view if you were living in England? Living in the colonies? For each side answer the following questions: How do you feel about taxes? Why? How do you feel about the king? Why? How do you feel about the Proclamation of 1763? Why? How do you feel about the Quartering Act? Why?

17 Key Individuals of the Revolutionary War
What role did key individuals play in the Revolutionary War?

18 King George III (the king who lost America)
British King during the Revolutionary War.

19 Lord Cornwallis (the other man who lost America)
British General who surrendered at Yorktown.

20 John Adams Championed the cause of independence

21 George Washington Commander of the Continental Army

22 Thomas Jefferson Major author of the Declaration of Independence

23 Samuel Adams Patriot who helped lead the Boston Tea Party.

24 Patrick Henry Outspoken member of the House of Burgesses
Inspired colonial patriotism with “Give me liberty or give me Death” speech

25 Benjamin Franklin Member of Continental Congress
Helped frame (write) the Declaration of Independence Helped gained French support for American independence

26 Phyllis Wheatley A former enslaved African American
Wrote poems and plays supporting American independence

27 Paul Revere Made daring ride to warn colonists of British arrival
“The British are coming!”

28 Key Events during the Revolutionary War Period
What were some of the Key Events during the Revolutionary War Period?

29 Proclamation of 1763 Colonists could not move west of the Appalachian Mountains

30 Stamp Act Stamp or British seal required on all things made from or used paper.

31 Boston Massacre Colonists in Boston were shot after taunting British Soldiers

32 Boston Tea Party- 1773 Led by Samuel Adams and Paul Revere
They threw tea into Boston Harbor to protest tea taxes.

33 First Continental Congress- 1774
Delegates from all colonies (except Georgia) met to discuss problems with England and colonial independence.

34 Battle of Lexington and Concord - 1775
First armed conflict of the Revolutionary War

35 Approval of the Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776 Declared independence from Great Britain

36 Battle of Saratoga Turning point of the war American victory

37 Surrender at Yorktown - 1781
Cornwallis surrenders End of the Revolutionary War

38 Signing of the Treaty of Paris- 1783
Great Britain recognized American Independence

39 The Declaration of Independence

40 New Ideas! New political ideas led to a desire for independence and democratic government in the American colonies

41 Declaration of Independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson Based on ideas expressed by European philosophers People have “unalienable rights” of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness People establish government to protect rights Government derives power from the people People have a right and duty to change a government that violates their rights!

42 How did the colonists defeat England?
What advantages helped the American colonists with the Revolutionary war?

43 Colonial Advantage 1 Defense of their own land, principles, and beliefs

44 Colonial Advantage 2 Support from France

45 Colonial Advantage 3 Strong Leadership

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